Chapter 7

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I woke up two hours early before I had to leave. The day has finally arrived, the day I start Yonsei, which now that it is here I have gained some knots in my stomach.

I slipped my feet into my slippers and head to the kitchen. As I approached, I heard someone rummaging in the cupboards and the most amazing aroma hit my nostrils. I turn the corner to see grandma scrapping the skillet, "morning grandma,"

I startled her a bit "oh, Jenna you scared me," she laughed and put her hand to her heart. "Oh, I am sorry grams, so what's cooking?" She went to the pot and stirred it up a bit "I am making my home made omelets but, it's not like any kind you are use to, yes it has the cheese and peppers in it but instead of ham I put a secret in that no one has ever been able to find out," her grandma winks at her and they both laugh.

They hear shuffling down the hallway and whistling "why good morning my two beautiful girls," grandpa came in smiling and gave grandma a peck on the cheek followed by Jenna. "Morning papa," I said returning the kiss "breakfast is almost ready," grandma said. "Ah your famous omelet," they chuckle. "Jenna get the juice out of  the fridge would ya, sweetie?" "sure papa," they set the table and fix their plates.

I dig into the omelet and my mouth began to water "oh my gosh, grandma, what do you put in this!?" Grandma laughs "love," and gives me a wink. I finish my breakfast "Well, I am going to finish getting ready, thank you for breakfast, " I get up and place my dishes into the sink.

I head into the bathroom to take my shower, as I get out I wrapped a towel around me and started to blow dry my hair. I decided to go with a casual look today, a casual yet stylish outfit.

I head out back towards to the kitchen to wish my grandparents a good day.

It took me an hour to arrive, I found the parking lot of to the right of the school. I parked and before heading out I took out my schedule that they sent me. In bold letters at the top it tells me to head to the main office first to receive He your and rules. Which would be in room 398, I looked at the map they sent me as well, which was a little confusing.

I get inside and started to follow the map, but it didn't take me long to get lost. How did I...? I looked up and back down to the map frantically. I didn't want to go to far and end up somewhere I wasn't suppose to be.  I walked for a bit longer not paying attention to my surroundings.

I ended up bumping into someone, "oh!!!!" I looked up from the paper to a girl with black hair, and glasses. "I apologize, I wasn't paying attention," I said.

She gives me a slight laugh "it's ok, hey, I never seen you here before." I moan "I'm new and I'm trying to find the main office, can you help me?" I hand her the map and she laughs while taking it. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but you were holding the map upside down."

Oh, how embarrassing I thought while blushing. "It's ok, happens to the best of us," the girl said. She extended her arm "I'm Isabel by the way, what's your name?" I shook her hand " Jenna, " "nice to meet you, follow me and I'll take you to the office," I was so relieved "thank you so much!"

She leads me down two stair ways and a couple of hallways until we get to the office and Isabel hands me the map "well, I have to go or I'll be late for class, here's my number, friends?" I take the paper and give a slight chuckle "friends."

I watched Isabel leave and then walk into the office. The office was the size of a living room! I looked around the office and towards the right of me a tall and beautiful man caught my eye. He had brown hair, big brown eyes, and a cute button nose. With a nice smile to go with, I couldn't help but stare at him.

He was talking to some other boy, but I could only see the back of his head, he had mint green hair and kept nodding whenever the cute  boy said something. The cute boy looked up and saw her starring, my cheeks grew red and I looked away as fast as I could. 

I looked toward the other direction and found a lady sitting behind a desk. I assume she was the secretary and walk up to her. "Why hello there," the woman at the desk sod with a smile. "Hello," I said "I am Jenna," she interrupted me.

"You must be the American girl," American girl, really? I thought, but I wasn't going to be rude and just smiled and nodded.  "Well, principle Williams is ready for you if you'd like to go right through that door please," I gave her another nod and followed the woman's finger.

I walk into a lightly dimmed room and see a tallish man standing behind it "Why hello, you must be Jenna."  Yes, that's me" I said nervously, he walked around his desk and gave me a slight bow. "Welcome to Yonsei university," he began "I hope you enjoy what this school has to offer!"

He told her the rules, her classes, and what books I will need. "I believe it won't take you long to make great friends here," he chuckled. "Well, I actually met one already and her name is Isable," I said with a shrug. His face kind of lightened up "Isabel is one of our greatest students here you will fit right in with her."

"I'll have our star pupil give you the tour of the school tomorrow for today just enjoy your day walking around," he said walking back to his seat. I nodded "may I ask who the star pupil is?" "Why sure you can," he calls over the intercom "Martha, have Jin come in please." Martha answered back and not long after, the door opens and there was the cute boy from outside.

Oh no, I turned red, she tried her best not to stare.  I have always been awkward around guys, anytime I try to strike a conversation I get tongue tied.

He tried to introduce himself, but for some reason the room became hot and it didn't take long for the room to go black.

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