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I don't know where to start. I guess I'll start by saying thank you!

Thank You
To those who added this story to your library. To the voters and readers. Although, 1K reads isn't huge it is for me 🙃.

Especially when I first wrote this story I want to say around 2016-2017 I was horrible with grammar. I say this all the time.... I am not perfect at it now, but I am a bit better and still learning!

With that being said it always amazed me how well this story did with all the grammar errors! That is why I am so thankful this story reached 1K.

It is the first story I have ever written. The reason I'm on Wattpad. I'm proud of this story. :) I hope you guys are as well!

I did go back through all the chapters and tried to fix the grammar errors. I may of tweaked something's as well!

The story is now officially finished 💜

Going back over it brought me so many memories 😭.

Fun fact
Isabel and Crystal are based off of two old friends. They were pretty much the first kpop friends I made. We had a group chat and they helped me with this story. :)

Again THANK YOU! 💜

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