The Test by Chaos- Chp.15

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Jordan's POV

"Redbeard will kill you." Tucker says, staring at me with his arms crossed.

"Why?" I say, raising an eyebrow and scratching my chin nonchalantly even though I'm hitting myself for not remembering Redbeards part in this whole thing. He's Capsizes brother for Ianites sake. I mentally scold myself.

"You do remember the part where he's, I dunno, HER BROTHER."

"Look, Tucker, cut the crap. Yes, I do know and I'm fully aware I'm going to have to talk to Redbeard about it." During my sentence, Tucker started making slashing movements with his hands and making a zipping motion with his mouth but I ignored him.

"Talk to me 'bout what exactly."

I make an "Oh shit." face at Tucker before turning around to face Redbeard- who has his arms crossed at looks prettttyyyy sober.

Ah hell, it was going to have to do it anyway.

"Hey, I was going to talk to you about-"

"You and me sister?" He looks at me sternly before laughing and putting one arm around my shoulders and leaning into my ear.

"Listen, lad, I wouldn't be able to stop her even if I wanted to. Plus you're a pretty decent, but...." He whispers but then looks at me.

"But if ye hurt her in any shape or form ye will not see another day."

I look back at him my arms crossed as I pull away from him.

"Do you really think I'd even think about it?" I say equally as sternly but Redbeard just smiles and walks away, pulling a flask from his jacket pocket.

I turn to Tucker grinning. The last of his bruises are fading and there's minimum bandage on his wound.

"Now that wasn't so bad was it?"

Capsizes POV

I search through my desk drawers with a frantic pace, my breath catching worriedly in my throat as I fumble with the lock to each of them.

"Where is it, where is it?" I curse myself before I grab the string around my neck in frustration and bring out the ender eye attached to it before I chant silently to it.

A blurry image of a couple small possessions forms and I groan and dive under my bed, bringing out the small wooden box.

I bring out the exact replica of the ender eye encased in silver that dangles from my neck.

Constructed rather like a pocket watch, it's encased by both sides in silver, a latch on the side granting access.

Opening my own I shut the eye down quickly, glancing momentarily at the picture on the left-hand side.

The left-hand side of the case is strange- the image is of persons or a person who you hold most dear. Mine currently possess my brothers photo, but from last time I checked, it's grown smaller in size and has moved to the side slightly.

"Hmph." I mutter latching it closed and tucking the small possession under my shirt once more.

I pick up the twin, looking at it. It's the exact same. But I know the inside will be different. Biting my lip I open it quickly, to be greeted by two different images. One holds Tom, Tucker, Sonja, while the other is of a small green slime creature.

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