Dreams and Reality

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Capsizes POV

All I can see is blackness. I can feel my knees kneeling on stone and my hands behind my back yet, if I look down Im standing on nothing.

There had been voices- cursing accusing. But they had ceased. Now I was left with silence and blackness.

I see a sudden flash and cover my eyes. A new person stands in the room. I walk forwards, gaining speed as the figure comes into sharper focus.

"Jordan!" I yell. He spins, his face creased in annoyance and worry, like 90% of the time I've caught him staring into space.

He opens his mouth, a smile suddenly softening his features before I'm stopped- the chains tugging at my wrists. I curse and tug at the invisible bonds, my eyes glancing to Jordan whose standing there looking confused.

The sound of a creaking floorboard makes him step forward, fear washing over his features.

I see another figure behind him and open my mouth to shout but it's too late. A bright and gleaming sword tip is barely visible through Jordan's chest. He looks at it, raises an eyebrow before he looks me in the eye and gives me a cocky grin.

The sword is removed and he crumples to the floor, face down.

"Jordan! Jordan!" I yell, straining at the chains on my hands. I continue telling, aware of how the chains seem to be dragging me down to my knees as I shout and scream.

"Katherine." A woman's voice, soft, reassuring, "Katherine, please."

I open my eyes, a shout barely past my lips as I look around me wildly- the scene in front of me dissolving. Before it does a single message flashes in front of my eyes.

Captain Sparklez was killed by Syndicate.

It's still dark, very very dark, but not the pitch black. I can see stone, some of it cracked in places. My hands are chained to the wall, on my knees. I look in the corner where the voice came from.

Ianite kneels there, forcing a smile on her face as she looks at me.

"It's not real." She whispers softly, "it's just Furia and my brothers magic."

"J-Jordan." I gasp out, the text burnt into the back of my eyelids, "it said that he was killed by Tom- Tom wouldn't do that."

"He'll be fine," Ianite says soothingly, shaking her head "a long time ago I gave him a golden apple. I'm sure this is simply a plan of his." She smiles again, "Jordan does always have a plan."

I almost laugh before I realise I'm crying which I sniff forcefully at. Some of Furias words echo in my head and I grit my teeth. I can't let him get in my head. Not now, not ever.

I manage to, rather painfully, drag my knees up from under me, the chains allowing me to hug them close to my body as I realise how cold it is- the tears and rips in my jacket not helping.

"Where I we? It's too cold to be in Aethoria." I shiver and rub my hands against my legs.

"We're under it, in the Void." Ianite says, sighing as she looks at the ceiling.

"The Void? But I wouldn't survive if it's in the Void." A sinking feeling settles itself in the pit of my stomach.

"The Void under Aethoria is much different, it saps the power of Gods and mortals alike."

"Oh." I say softly, realisation dawning on me. This is how Ianite can't break free.

A bolt of pain rockets through my body unexpectedly, a cry escaping my lips and my spine curves and I dig my nails into the palm of my hand. It fills every single nock and cranny of my body, like a lightning bolt has struck me. I whimper as I feel the newly healed skin on my back and shoulders stretch painfully.

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