The Seas are Chained

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=+Tuckers POV+=

There's a shocked silence as Jordan stands there- his breathing ragged. Silently, he walks to the nearest wall and slides down it, his sword abandoned on the ground and Capsizes hat clutched tightly in his shaking hands. The seconds trickle by as we stand shell shocked.

Sonja approaches me and almost on instinct I wrap my arms around her tightly and I can feel my jacket get wet as it soaks with her silent tears.

My own head is a jumbled mess- one minute Jordan is locked in Furias grasp, next Capsize, Capsize falls to her knees, Sonja and I try to  prise the door open.... Then, then Capsize is gone.

The scales are chained, now the seas are too.

The scales... That's obviously Ianite, the seas.... Capsize.

I look over at Redbeard, who's regarding the goopy, lava like blood on his sword with disgust. His jaw is set and he looks at me with one green eye that's blank- no tears, no anger. Nothing.

"No." Tom whispers and my head snaps to him as he starts backing away. "No, no. I-I.... It was an empty threat. E-empty."

"What you on about lad?" Redbeards voice is dangerous and Sonja peels herself away and takes Tom by the shoulders.

"What's an empty threat Tom?"

He swallows, several times and his eyes fix on Jordan slumped against the wall before he speaks.

"D-Dianite. Said that if you k-kept trying to get Ianite... There'd be consequences."

Jordan doesn't seem to be listening, which I'm thankful for because if he had been listening I have a feeling Tom would have a sword at his neck right about now.

"Why didn't you tell us?" I hiss, trying to keep my voice low as Redbeard runs his hands through his hair in disbelief.

"Empty threat." Tom whispers.

"We need to get to Ianarea." Sonja says suddenly and I look at her.

"Make sure the dickhead is telling the truth, about Capsize." She says firmly.

"How?" Redbeard questions bitterly "we don't have a Captain."

"Can you not drive it?" I ask in disbelief, my eyes widening.

"Would you let a drunk pirate sail?"

My eyes snap to Jordan. "We do have a Captain! Captain Sparklez!"

Jordan freezes and I see his hands tighten even more on Capsizes hat. Apparently he is listening and I briefly regret my decision to speak out- but only briefly.

"He doesn't remember being a Captain- how would he remember to sail a boat?" Redbeard argues and I sigh heavily.

"We need to get to Ianarea to confirm to douchebags claims. Unless you found a way to fly there then we need Jordan to captain the boat."

I didn't notice Jordan get up- or hear him pick up his sword but he shoulders past Redbeard.

"I'm the captain now." He calls, marching his way out of the temple and into the scorching nether. Capsizes hat is no longer in his hands, but rather firmly pressed down on his head and tilted. His hands are still shaking however and I make sure to stay behind him as his fingers are closed tightly around the hilt of his sword.

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