Journey to Aethoria- Part 1

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Jordan's POV

I'm floating in blackness.


A dull, aching pain, coming from my chest.

The clothes I'm wearing are bloodied and torn.

Am I even breathing? I don't know. It doesn't feel like it.






Capsize. I saw her, she was floating in my space with me- she had started running towards me before she stopped- tugging at her arms. Something happened and she started screaming before she vanished.

Suddenly warm hands were dragging my cold body across something gritty. I'm still in darkness but I can feel it as the soft lapping at my feet ceases.

There's talking, words I can't make out.

Then I feel a thumping and I look at my sore chest- disgruntled.

Suddenly as my head cracks sideways as someone slaps me I gasp and bolt upwards, the light gleaming off the Mianite temple as my breath and memories returning to me as abruptly as the slap.

I cough violently, alarmed at water trickling out of my mouth and onto the sand as I roll onto my stomach. The minute my coughing ceases and I've managed to sit up, I'm engulfed by a large bundle of orange.

Sonja hugs me tightly, muttering under her breath how it took me so long to respawning. She finally rolls off me and my eyes go to Tucker who's looking extremely relieved.

I rub my chest where the sword had gone through. The dull, aching pain is still there. I part my already ripped shirt to reveal a single scar the size of Toms sword tip.

"That's another one to add to the collection." I say dryly and Tucker snorts.

"I need to change." I say quickly, avoiding looking at the clothing which might as well have been red there's so much blood coating it. I walk away from the two who nod and I distantly hear them say something about meeting me at my tree to wait for Tom.


A sinking feeling enters my stomach as I stop on my tracks.

I...I gave him something to torture Capsize with. He has to torture Capsize. I enter my house and my knees suddenly feel weak and I want to get sick.

I hear a creaking floorboard but I don't move. Maybe I deserve to be killed after what I did.

My eyes roam upwards in search for the face of my attacker- however all I get is Redbeard.

"I know what's going through that mind of yours." He grunts, sitting himself beside me. I shake my head furiously, he didn't give Tom that. It seemed like such a good idea at first but now it was finally sinking in.

"You should be skewering me." I say, finding my throat dry and my lips cracked and covered in sea-salt.

"No, no I shouldn't." He says, his voice gruff and I'm struck with how this is probably the first time I've talked to him completely sober.
Like Capsize, his accent seems to fade in small company.

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