Captains Log

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This chapter does contain forms of torture and cutting so if you're sensitive to that kind of thing I suggest you skip down until you see the POV change.

+=Capsizes POV=+

My mouth is dry as I try avert my gaze from the demon that's Furia. My mouth's pressed into a firm line and I refuse to let the dull pain that's emitting from my neck, shoulders and arms show on my face.

Furia hums as he splashes a red liquid on the cuts he inflicted, causing me to let out an involuntary hiss of pain as the skin starts stretching over the wounds, at an excruciatingly slow pace.

"Tsk, tsk." He repeats, the cool blade running against the back of my neck.

"Do what you want, I won't ever cross over." I snarl and Furia laughs. Before he had started cutting me up like a unsliced ham, he had offered me a way out- plea my loyalties to Dianite. My reply had been 'When the nether freezes over.', plus a few explicit words.

"Oh I know that my dear Captain- no, I'm simply disappointed that you decided to take the fun out of the game for your friends so soon." He pouts like a child.

I press my lips into a thin line again- tensing and waiting for the first shallow nick of his dagger.

"Oh, but I do have to say Sparklez reaction was quite entertaining- don't you think?" The sound of tearing cloth- the back of my jacket no doubt- doesn't distract me from the image that flashes through my mind and makes my face crease up before I push it away.

'Don't give him a reaction, don't give him a reaction' I chant inside my head but that doesn't stop the thoughts that enter my head.

"His clothes were in quite a state- don't you think?" He hums, and with a flick of his wrist he makes a shallow cut to my back. I grit my teeth, but my heart's constricting tightly, I saw- I knew that wasn't his blood.

"Cat got your tongue?" He purrs- leaning into my face where I twist my face into a look of hate.

"I feel sorry for you when you come face to face with those five," I hiss, then smile, "you won't know what hit you."

He seems unnerved by my smile, "And why's that Cap'n?"

"Because you don't know them." my smile grows wider, "you haven't seen them angry, you haven't seen what they're capable of."

"Of course I have," He relaxes, "a bunch of children playing soldiers. I've commanded armies!" He shouts it gleefully, spreading his arms in front of me, "I've seen warriors fall by my hand!"

"You're a puppet for your excuse for a God, nothing but a pawn in a game a whole lot bigger." I whisper hoarsely, "You've never been his Champion- you never will be."

Furia snarls viciously- I've obviously struck a nerve. He approaches me a grabs my chin, making me look at him dead in the eye. Looking at him makes my eyelids grow increasingly heavier and I can feel my body slumping, when he speaks next, his words are far away and echoing.

"Sweet dreams Captain."

=+Toms POV+=

I run through the various houses, trying to find Jordan. He runs really fast, holy Dianite.

Maybe I shouldn't be saying that, I cringe as I run. I feel really guilty. Like, uber guilty. I should have warned them before I let them into the bloody temple.

But would that have stopped Furia? I'm not sure. I've talked to him on several occasions but only because Dianite has wanted me too. He's a power hungry, jealous and malicious twat in my opinion so I tried to stay away from him.

Finally I reach the docks and Jordan's sitting on the edge, looking like he's considering jumping into the murky sea. I sigh and sit next to him. He glances at me before returning to looking at the water. It scares me how much Jordan's changed in the last hour or so. He's gone from cool and collected to an absolute train wreck. He's not crying anymore, that's a good thing.

"I'll kill him." He says suddenly, very quietly too.

"I know you will, but at the moment we're not in much of a position to do it." I say as calm as I can, trying to sooth him. I'm not very good at that though.

Jordan stands, without saying another word and hops onto the boat. His shoulders are slumped as he approached the wheel.

"Redbeard-" he calls to the approaching figure, "what's Aethoria?"

"Lady Ianites actual temple- a chunk of land surrounded by void. It's said if the stars are aligned properly and its servants allow you, you can travel to different worlds. I don't know how much of its true, children's tales."

"Right, we need to find out how to get there." Jordan says firmly as Tucker lends a hand to Sonja getting on the boat.

"We need information- confirmation." Jordan is suddenly back, collected and ready to plan.


"It could be a trick- lead us off the trail. Why would Furia or Dianite trust that sort of information to pigmen?" Jordan says firmly to Redbeards objection. His eyes meet mine.

"Tom," he says softly, "we need you to do something, get Dianites attention, get the information off him."

I stop and look at him, he's tense as he spins the wheel and sets us off into open sea.

"Jordan, you and I both know there's one way and one way only for me to get Dianites attention." I say shakily. Jordan clenches his jaw.

"I know. I'm ready to do it."

To get Dianites attention I have to nearly kill.

The thought mulls over in my head as we slowly get back. Jordan gets Tucker to throw the anchor over board when we get back before he looks at his hands, covered in dried in blood. A look of horror comes over his face.

"Go get some sleep." He says heavily, dangling his legs over the edge, "we'll talk tomorrow."

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