A Fight To Win

386 16 44

Capsizes POV

The world seems to become dream like, I watch as Dianite claps his hands twice, the sound far away and distant, as if it were a million miles away.

In slow motion I look at Sonja, who's looking terrified, starting to run towards Tucker. My head goes to Tom who's eyes are flickering from everyone in the arena, Dianite and the exit.
My eyes finally fall on Jordan who's frozen in place, one arrow still hanging loosely from his fingertips as he stares at the God, Everything's happening so slowly, as if we all had drank a slowness potion.

As quickly as it had started it ended and a screamed "Duck!" from Sonja makes me roll forwards on the ground, an arrow zipping over my head and hitting a groaning zombie behind me.

"Here." Sonja pants, holding a hand out to help me get up.

I clamber upwards and look one last time at Dianite who's watching the arena carefully, his head cocked to one side and a sly grin playing on his face before I run towards the opposite stone pillar to Jordan, climbing to the top and surveying the whole arena.

"Place is closed off with spawning points in each corner." Jordan shouts over, an arrow flying lose from his fingers and another one replacing it just as quickly.

"First round is easiest hostile mobs possible, then they gradually get harder until literally one of us is nearly dead," Jordan's scowl deepens and I look at him worriedly.

"I've a feeling he won't stop until one of us is actually dead."

I look down at Tucker, Tom and Sonja who are breathing heavily and all their swords have a thin layer of goopy blood.

The last zombie curls up in smoke and there's silence.

"Bravo, bravo." Dianite says, faking a yawn and snapping his fingers.

The spawn rate doubles and I gasp, jumping down quickly, falling upon a zombie and crushing it before starting to slash at another.

The streams seem endless, the occasional clicking of fingers the only indication of how far we are into the game. Glancing at the others, I notice they only use basic slashes and stabs and I look bewildered until it dawns on me they wouldn't have had sword practice before coming here. Jordan joined in the fight at one point and when I glanced at him I saw parries and unarming being dealt out to various mobs and I grin. He mightn't remember how he knows how to do it but, he can certainly handle a sword. As the fight becomes more intense and heated, I begin to slash and stab wildly, barely able to take a breath from one fight before moving to the next. I start wrestling with a wither skeleton before a rumble echoes through the arena.


The voice is brought by a bolt of lightening and the mobs all around us die, turning to smoke. I cover my ears with my hands, the sound sending shockwaves of pain down my body. I close my eyes tightly as an 'eeeeeeeeeee-ing' sound rings through my ears and drives through my skull until it's like I can feel the sound behind my eyelids.

There's shouting, more rumbles, but I can barely make out anything through the pain- which has made me double over.

A hand shakes my shoulder, but all it does is send electric shocks throughout.

"I said enough."

The voice is soft- a woman's and rings with authority. The area grows deathly quite and calm. Relief floods my body and I relax slightly.

"Jordan? Capsize? You ok?" The woman's voice asks again and I feel a hand touch my arm lightly. Opening my eyes the bottom of an elegant purple dress greets me and I gasp, trying to bolt upwards but the hands steady me in a sitting position.

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