The Return

380 19 41

I sit on the top step to my house, a sour look on my face as I survey the locket in my hand. I put it under my shirt again, sighing heavily.

"What's got your face looking like you've just been robbed candy." Capsize laughs, sitting beside me and nudging me with her shoulder.

"The heart."

"Oh." Her face falls and I feel kinda guilty for ruining her good mood.

"Don't worry about it lad, I'm sure we'll figure something out eventually. " she says, leaning against me.

"That's the problem though, how are we- HOLY MOTHER OF IANITE."

User had suddenly popped in front of me, sending particles everywhere and making me fall flat on my back.

"User please never do that again." His grin stretched from ear to ear and I looked over at Capsize to see her doubled over, her shoulders shaking as she laughed.

"What do you want anyway?" I say, slightly annoyed.

"Tut tut. You want the good news or not?" He says, shaking a finger at me.

"If it's actually good news then please." I say, grabbing his wrist as he offers his help up.

"I'd grab your best sword and that bow Ianite gave you. Get your brother and the rest of the guys," he grins, turning to a very confused looking Capsize "you're gonna need em to get it."

"Wait you're not saying...." My sentence trails off, my mouth hanging open.

"Yea. We found it. We found the heart."

All I can do is grin, giving User a bone-crushing hug and he coughs, "Jordan air."

"Where is it?" I say excitedly and User suddenly turns somber.

"The belly of the beast," He says, looking away guiltily. "That's all we eh know. At the end of some sort of maze."

My heart plummets but I scowl at myself. I always knew it wouldn't be easy.

I turn to thank User but he's gone. I shake my head in confusion but turn to Capsize who's looking at me, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Told you so." She says smugly and I laugh.
"Guess ya did but you'll get time to gloat later. Try rouse that brother of yours. I'll go get Tucker and Sonja." I say, briefly wondering how long it would take to run over. I lean over a give Capsize a quick kiss on the cheek and jump over my gangway.

*One hour later*

"You sure it's in here lad?"

Redbeard sounds nervous, gripping the hilt of his sword with one hand tightly.

I don't fully blame him, the massive rock and brick structure seems terrifying and to make matters worse there's odd rumbles and growls from beneath the rocks surface.

"I trust Users information. Plus the Wizards don't favour any God."  I say firmly as I silently count the arrows in my quiver.

I glance at Sonja and Tucker, Sonja is fiddling nervously with her sword sheath while Tucker keeps unsheathing his sword by a couple of inches, then snapping it back in.

"Let's go." I say, my voice wavering near the end.

"We will be ok." Capsize whispers firmly in my ear, squeezing my hand. My shoulders relax slightly and I give her a weak smile.

"I know."

I follow Tucker into the statues 'mouth' as he waits patiently.

"It's all wet and slimy." Sonja says, making a face as she stands in the middle of the small cave.

The blasting heat from the nether seems dampened in here, and I peer cautiously down a sheer drop.

"Hey guys." Capsize says from beside me. "There's like material at the end of this, looks like we can drop."

Redbeard inches to the edge, leaning over. He takes a tiny step forward, but instead falls, yelling in the process.

"Redbeard!" Capsize shouts, panic clear in her voice as he soars down the drop.

There's a groan from the bottom of the tunnel and I faintly see him a thumbs up.

"Ye can survive."

Capsize lets out a relieved sigh beside me before edging closer to the mouth, tilting as far as possible.

"Here," I say quickly, "let me go first." Grabbing her hand I pull her back and edge forwards.
Bracing myself, I Fall forwards and down, doing tumbles mid air.

I hit a trampoline like material and bounce a couple of times before scrambling up.

Tucker comes next, followed by Capsize and then finally Sonja.

I turn to look at the next tunnel, and my heart plummets.

"Parkour? Lava parkour?" I say despairingly.

"I have a better idea." Tucker says firmly, handing out enderpearls.

"Thank Sonja's organisation skills." Tucker grins, handing me one.

I take aim and throw, watching it hit its mark precisely and feeling the rush of air as I teleport.

I jump out of the way as an enderpearl lands beside me and brings Tucker, quickly followed by the rest.

I stare at the blank wall confused, the only note able thing tiny holes big enough to fit a small tube.

"Well I'm bummed." Sonja says, seemingly confused as I.

I look at Capsize to see her sniggering while looking at Redbeard.

He walks forward silently, a grin slowly sliding into his face as he inserts two tubes of red into the holes. He dips a small stick into a nearby lava pool until it bursts into flame and proceeds to hold it on the end of one of the red sticks until there's a hiss.

The wall explodes, making me drop down and drag Capsize with me.
After a few moments silence I get up cautiously, the ringing in my ears still clear as ever.

Redbeard stands in the middle of the wreck.

"Knew that'd come in handy some day."


Woooo, chapter! The return of the heart! We are approaching a certain part where you-know-what happens with you-know-who (and before you say it no, not Voldemort) and I will shatter you hearts into a million pieces....
On a less depressing note it's my birthdaaaayyy! Yaaaaay. Anyway, see you next chapter guys.

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