
183 11 20

Darkness, Darkness where have you been?
Has my happiness deterred thou?
Well now my light has all but gone,
You might as well tag along.

+= Tucker =+

The night seemed to drag on in endless waking up from Gods know what, checking outside to see if it was bright enough to get up and then collapsing back onto the bed, fall back asleep and repeat until I woke up to the birds chirping and the sun struggling weakly to break through the clouds.

I dress quickly, shaking Sonja awake as I throw on my shoes. Jordan spent the night alone, I'm not sure if it was a wise decision to let him. Gods knows what might have went ring around the rosies in his head. 

Sonja dresses just a quickly and is standing at the door waiting by the time I get my sword strapped around my waist. I press my communicator, seeing Toms and Jordan's light bright green.

"Guys?" I say loudly and there's a tired sigh from Toms end but nothing from Jordan.

"Jordan!" I say louder this time and there's a shout.

"Tucker? What's wrong, what happened, is everyone-" I cut short Jordan's panicked ramblings.

"Everything's fine, everyone's safe. I thought you were awake that's why I shouted."

Jordan sighs in relief, "I left my communicator on last night in case anything bad happened."

I hear a thump and creaking floorboards before there's a jolt of static.

"Meet up at my tree." He says shortly, sounding tired and worn. I'm guessing even though he was asleep when I shouted, like me, he mustn't have slept well.

I nod and gesture for Sonja to go first out the door into the chilly and dull day- even if we do live in the middle of a Savannah. The wind buffets us as we make our way slowly to the gigantic structure, a expressionless Tom joining us on the trudge.

When we finally reach it, the huge branches swaying in the wind, we're happily surprised at how warm it is inside once we reach the top floor that's not the leaves- knowing this is where Jordan keeps the unused dining table. We sit around it, once we find it, and wait in silence. My sleepy mind is winding various gears in my head, trying to make sense of Jordan yesterday. He went from nervous wreck to well, Jordan. 

Jordan himself walks in at last, his hands dug deep into his pockets, still wearing the blood stained clothing from yesterday. His eyes are bloodshot and a bit swollen, but he gives me a weak smile which quickly slides off his face.

"Jordan, your clothes." Sonja says, her voice quiet. Jordan looks at her, then Tom.

"They'll be getting bloody again soon, anyway." His voice is raspy, dry. He looks at Tom who shakes his head furiously.

"I can't or won't kill you" He says, fury evident that Jordan would even think about trying to convince him, "Not while Capsize being in that prison is mostly my fault."

Jordan shakes his head, a raspy chuckle escaping his lips, 

"Do you not know by now I always have a backup plan?" He rummages around in his pocket, before bringing out a single object which glints brightly in the dim light.

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