Home Destruction Chp.19

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Jordan's POV

I watch the box in my hands silently while Redbeard explains to the others what Ianarea is.
The slow beating coming from inside is almost soothing and I slouch against the nearest wall.

"How long will it take to get there?" I say suddenly, looking upwards.

Capsize's face scrunches up as she thinks.

"If there isn't a storm, decent winds.... Around a day." Her head turns to Redbeard who shrugs slightly.

"Sounds 'bout right."

Toms figure observing us silently from the doorway catches my eye and I walk over and put my arm around his shoulder.

"Thanks," I say and he shrugs.

"Some sort of retribution I guess. What I said yesterday was wrong." The brief thought of why did you do it in the first place then runs through my mind but I shake my head.

"First things first, how do we get out of here?" Sonja says suddenly and Tom grins.

"I have an idea, watch."

He takes a deep breath and tilts his head to the ceiling.

"USSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRR." He screams and everyone puts their hands over their ears quickly. Unfortunately with the box in my hand I can't do that and cringe as my ear drums vibrate violently.

"GOD DAMMIT TOM I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THAT." User pops into existence looking angry until he spots everyone else and me with the box.

"You got it?" He says in an awed whisper and I exchange a smile with Capsize before I nod.

"Could you teleport us out?" Tom says his brown eyes going wide as he attempts a puppy dog face.

"Fine." User says, trying to sound mildly irritated but the effects ruined by the grin on his face.

There's a strong gust of wind from nowhere and I clutch the box to my chest tightly as we teleport onto the smooth stone at the bottom of my house.

I look at the box worriedly until Capsize stumbles into me and I laugh, pushing my shoulder against hers to put her up straight.

"You guys run to the ship I'll be there in two secs," I say and hand the box to Redbeard who starts walking, keeping clear from Tom who is jumping around Tucker and Sonja whooping loudly.

I run up the stairs to my house and smile as I hear another pair of footsteps treading softly behind me. I spin around suddenly almost sending Capsize sprawling into the staircase.

"You sneaky-" she laughs slapping me lightly on the shoulder.

"So it's a crime to want a few minutes alone with the awesome-est woman I know?" I say raising an eyebrow a sly grin on my face. All Capsize does is laugh and look around jokingly.

"Well, would you like to introduce me?"

"Oh, cmon I'm talking about you! You stabbed Dianites' Guardian in the stomach!"

"Pft, only because he was stupid enough not to disarm me before facing me." She says but gives me a tight hug even so, her arms wound tightly around my neck. I give her a tight hug back but as she pulls away my arms snakes around her waist and I lean down slightly, giving her a soft kiss on the lips.

I pull back my smile turning to a frown slightly as Capsize looks at me confused before she leans up and gives me a quick kiss back.

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