The cool title I can't think of

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"Sonja I can't wear a dress!"

My protesting apparently falling on deaf ears, Sonja drags me through her house to a staircase upwards.

"Yes you are. You are the only other girl on this damn island, no way in Dianites deepest hells am I missing the opportunity to be able to do this."

I roll my eyes and stubbornly let a foot drag on the floor.

"I don't think you understand; I don't wear dresses Sonja."

She shakes her head furiously and for a moment so does her tail.

"Well you are now, don't worry about having one cause I make them when I'm bored and there's nothing else to do."

I huff and trudge up the staircase, my mind wandering to the fact that Sonja interrupted me going to teach Jordan how to dance. I shake my own head, memories of the dances I was forced to attend when I was younger and I shudder.

"If you don't wear dresses how come you know how to dance?" Sonja springs the question on me and I'm speechless for a few minutes and she turns around, stopping me.

"Me and Tucker had our ears to the door for a while. We heard you were going to 'teach him how to dance'." She puts empathise on dance but I just stare at her.

"You were listening?!" I say, my hands flailing.

"Don't worry, we didn't hear anything intimate." She winks and I can feel my face flush red.

"There was nothing intimate to hear." I cross my arms and try and fail to make myself look taller then her, which quite frankly is harder when you are three steps below.

"Oh pur-lease. Not that I don't believe you about that bit it's just Jordan's been-" Sonja hums for a moment, as if searching for the right word. "Smitten."

"Please Sonja- I had to deal with Tucker being like that when YOU guys got together." Toms voice startles me when it echoes down from Sonjas earpiece, followed by a flash of panic that me brother might be listening- or worse Jordan. Then remembering that 1. Redbeard doesn't have an earpiece and 2. Jordan had a headache from Tom bugging him on the earpiece and he was putting it down for a while.

Sonja rolls her eyes and turns the earpiece off before starting to walk up the stairs again.

"The dance thing was from when I was younger- my Father was a Captain and was invited to important meals now and again. These meals were usually followed by dancing."

I make gagging noises and Sonja laughs.

"What was so bad?" She snorts and I shake my head- disgusted.

"Imagine dancing with a bunch of drunk sailors that are trying to see how much cleavage is showing." I roll my eyes.

"Ew. No thank you."

We finally reach the top of the stairway and Sonja opens a simple wooden door that's hung over with small squares of different material with various sunny messages on them. I chuckle as I read them. Typical Sonja.

I peek into the room Sonja is dancing around in excitedly and I cringe at the rack- however small- she points to. She seems to be muttering under her breath and she keeps glancing at me.

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