The Aftermath

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"Well that was...." Tucker says as he tilts his head, trailing off.

"Interesting?" Sonja offers, eyebrow raising and her lips curling in amusement.

"One word for it." Tucker laughs. I smile but my eyes linger on the spot Ianite stood. I'm not sure anyone else saw it but I did. The flickering. The way her dress went from vibrant to limp and back again. Then her eyes. Sorrow, pain, anger, compassion and confusion seemed to flash when a sunken gaze looked at us.

"I saw it too." Capsize says quietly beside me, leaning against the brick wall that leads to the throne. She looks thoughtfully at me.

"I saw something else, with you." She comments, the others chattering away happily.

"What?" I say curiously, cocking an eyebrow.

"You were tense, scared. Even though you were in the presence of a Goddess you seemed ready for a demon to jump up and try kill you."

I scoff but Capsize glare stops me. I shrug.

"By the look of that Furia Guardian guy he would have." There rustling and I swear I spot purple behind the throne before it disappears from sight.

I shiver, suddenly aware of the fact there's a cold night air blowing through the doorway and descending from the roof.

"Storms brewing," Capsize says quietly, her eyebrows knitting together as she looks upwards to the sky that's visible. Clouds block out many of the stars and the moon is a sliver of white among grey.

"Cmon guys we better get going, it's dark out and we don't want to disturb the island." I say and everyone looks up at the ceiling, surprised at the blackness. We walk across the rickety bridge once more and through the deserted town before reaching the ship again. Yawning, the rest of them clamber on before sinking to sit down, their eyes drooping.

"If you're gonna sleep," Capsize comments, walking slowly up to the wheel tiredly, "do it down in the hammocks below instead of up here. Don't fancy hearin' ye wake up screaming every few seconds from hitting the other side of the boat."

Like drunken zombies the three hop down and I stifle my own yawn as I lean against the railing.

"You can go down as well, ya know." Capsize calls, resting her chin on the wheel.

"Leave you two on your own in the dead of night? Nah." Capsize cracks a smile, and I slouch up the small steps and lean against the nearest railing. Capsize seems lost in thought, chin resting on her folded arms on the wheel.

"C'mon," I say and she looks over at me warily, "Hug it out." I hold my arms out and tilt my head, trying and failing to keep a straight face.

"You can't be serious." She says, laughing loudly. All I do is raise my eyebrows and she sighs, before walking over and giving me a tight hug, head resting on my shoulder.

"Everything will be ok, eventually." I mutter, barely audible.

I feel Capsize nod before I hear her sigh and pull away. She leans up slightly and gives me a kiss on the cheek, smiling.

"Thanks for. It letting me do anything stupid."

I bow extravagantly, "My pleasure, ma'm."

All Capsize does is snort before going back to the wheel, bringing the little boat out into open sea.

Several days later

I yawn widely, ruffling my hair. I had long ago given up trying to make it stay flat on my head.

"Good sleep?" I laugh at Capsize, who's currently at the table with her head on it as she groans. Redbeard had convinced her to have a few drinks the night before to 'celebrate' with everyone else and it ended with a very drunk Capsize ending up in my bed, Tucker and Sonja in hers and Redbeard in his with Tom sprawled on the floor. After only having two drinks I was reasonably sober so I managed to arrange myself a bed of blankets on the floor before falling into an almost unconscious state myself. The others had managed to rouse themselves before either of the Pirates came round to an even semi-conscious state.

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