A Heroes Welcome

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Tuckers POV

"Capsize, Redbeard, how many more times must I tell you two that I do not approve of formalities." Ianite says half-heartedly to the three at her feet. Me and Sonja remain in a low bow also, we were allies after all and Ianite seemed pretty much the only God I'd show and sort of respect too besides Mianite. Tom seemed to be in some sort of half bow, hand over heart.

"Arise, my heroes." Ianite sighs once she realises we won't move from our positions until she has given the say to do so.

Ianite looks at me, Sonja and Tom- whose now slouching against the nearest pillar, trying to look as bored and disinterested as possible however his eyes tell a different story as the dart about the half destroyed temple.

"I have yet to know of your names." She says softly, her feet touching the ground lightly as she walks towards us three.

"Tucker, my Lady, Champion of Mianite." I tip an imaginary fedora at her and she smiles. When she does it doesn't just stop at her lips however, her eyes light up and dance before moving to Sonja.

"Sonja, m'lady, Follower of Mianite." She says, attempting to do some sort of curtesy. Ianite continues smiling as her head turns to Tom.

"And you, Green Man?"

Me, Jordan and Redbeard barely suppress laughs at that while I receive a swift kick to the shin by Sonja and Redbeard gets one from his sister while Jordan receives the same treatment. That seems to make him want to laugh even more and they get locked in a foot wrestle for several minutes before Capsize gives up, rolling her eyes.

"Tom, Lady Ianite, Champion of Dianite."

We all stare shocked at Tom, mouthes slightly ajar. We've never heard him express any sort of formality to a God other then Dianite before. Jordan whispers something in Capsizes ear, looking smug.

Ianite nods and seems to look at Tom- calculating him almost- before turning and walking back to the front.

"My Lady," Jordan says as he steps forward, exchanging glances with the two pirates, "how may we help you now? Do you know where you are?"

Ianite looks solemnly at Jordan, her smile turning downwards.

"While I had the faith you would achieve your task I did not expect you to complete it so soon- even I do not know my plan from here. And to answer your question, no I do not. All I know is it is a dark place that saps my power and makes me weaker."

Jordan's expression goes from anger to determination and I speak up quickly.

"Team Mianite will always be here to help, just so you know." I say and Ianite smiles at me and Sonja sadly.

"I'll help too." Toms voice comes from behind and we all wheel around on shock.

"Thank you Green man, your help will be valuable." Ianite says nodding gravely.

"But for now you must go, night is falling." Ianite gestures to the orange beams of light falling into the ceiling-less temple.

"One more thing," she turns to Capsize and Redbeard. "I ask you two not to grieve for your home for too long, as Jordan told you you two alone could hardly have stopped the destruction. As it seems you at least have a new one to take comfort in." Jordan's hand discreetly wraps around Capsizes and seems to give it a small squeeze. The gesture doesn't pass by the Goddess but she doesn't pass comment.

"Lastly," Ianite addresses us all "I must ask that you stay together and protect each other. My brothers Guardian is not all together too pleased against loosing a match against mortals."

I laugh inside my head at the almost child like grin on the goddess face as she says the words, before vanishing into a plume of lilac.


Oi, hello.
Yea yea I know I haven't updated in a while but ye college and shiz. Oh and I recently went to London! (I swear the transport system over there is as complicated as shit and the underground is terrifying.) While I was there I made a trip to the Harry Potter Studio tour which was ammmaaaaazzzzzing.
But really what this A/N is for is to inform you guys of things.

 just today (heh) I posted my first Original Story. It's called The Mages Calling and Id highly appreciate it if you checked that out and your opinions on it!
That's it for now, Sinead out! 

The Two CaptainsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora