Put Down That Knife

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Put Down That Knife - A rhyming verse poem.

Being a teenager is tough

So much is going on, and you never really feel good enough.

Friends, relationships, finding yourself and school

Trying to fit in, trying to be somebody's definition of 'cool'

It can hurt at times, it feels like no one understands

You start to get upset, you cry and look down at your shaking hands.

"No one cares! I'm a failure anyway, no one will miss me"

You grab the knife and rest your arm upon your knee..

You stare at the knife

"Am I willing to take my own life?"

Your tears flow down your face

Your heart starts pumping, beginning to race..

You don't think you are loved, don't think you are worthy

I'm telling you now, stop worrying if you are too thin or too curvy.

I know it hurts, I've been there before

Sometimes life truly sucks, it feels like a chore.

You want to feel pain, because it's better than feeling numb

I know you want to escape, you just want to turn away and run.

You put the blade to your wrist, it's the only way out.

It feels like the world is in a flood, while you're alone in this drought!

Put down the knife, I promise it will get better

Instead cry it out, write it all down in a letter.

I know you think that it will never end

But you're sick of having to pretend.

I've been where you are, I have the scars as proof

Please believe me when I say, I'm telling you the truth.

I look upon them now, my war wounds from back then

My teenage years were tough, I'm glad I don't have to go through that again.

I know you don't think anyone cares about you

I don't know your situation, but if no one else, then I do.

I'm writing this because you need to know

You have skills, you are worthy, you are beautiful, repeat that when you feel low.

Teenage years don't last forever

You will get through it, you will hold yourself together.

Teach yourself another way to deal

In time, those scars will heal.

If you are ever called a name

Don't sit there and feel ashamed.

Put the knife down, don't cut anymore

Instead get up, spread your wings, and soar.

Cutting doesn't fix it, the pain is still there

I know how much it hurts, I know life isn't fair.

I promise life will work out, your plans will start to align

So please, put down the blade, it's just not your time..


This poem means a lot to me. It was actually inspired by one of my fans. Coming from someone who used to self harm and has lost a friend and two brothers to suicide.. I beg you to please read this and to please find another outlet. I know how hard it is. But you are strong! You are beautiful! And I love each of you.

Thank you so much for reading, as I have said, this poem is very close to me <3

Thoughts? Let me know :)

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- Jade xx

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