Tainted Battlefield.

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Tainted Battlefield.

This is war.
A war that has been going on for as long as I can remember.
A war full of bloodshed, of gore.
I stand alone and face lines upon lines of soldiers.

They run at me, trying to knock me down, trying to make me admit defeat.
I slay every person who crosses my path.
I wince as I see the fallen soldiers at my feet.
I go to tend to my wounds, but before I can, more soldiers come at me.

I quickly gather myself and fight.
I take a few hits, I need time to patch myself up.
But the soldiers don't give me time to heal.
They come, wave upon wave.

I am struck so many times, scars fill my body, covered in blood.
I am able to patch up the small cuts, but I never have time to tend to the gaping holes in my body.
I fight on. I have no choice.
I am strong, I must win.

Bodies pile at my feet as I wade through the corpses, I don't even wince anymore.
I don't flinch when I run my blade through my opponents chest.
I don't feel remorse as I watch the life fade from their eyes.
I just keep moving onward.

I'm being tested.
I'm having so many obstacles sent my way.
Life is testing me, testing my loyalty, testing my endurance.
And I hate losing.

The soldiers are getting tougher.
They stab at me, piercing my heart, knocking me to my knees.
But I always manage to get back up.
I stand up and fight.

I've been tortured, held down and sliced at.
But, somehow, I pick myself up and defeat the opponents.
I have scars on top of scars, open wounds, missing chunks of flesh.
I'm covered in blood. My own, and my oppositions.

I walk with a limp, my blade always at the ready.
I'm tired of fighting.
I can't admit defeat.
But I can't keep fighting.

I beg for time. Just a little time.
Time to patch myself up.
Time to sharpen my blade.
Time to heal my wounds.

But no. In the distance, I see more soldiers, marching towards me.
The battlefield is covered in rotted corpses, in blood.
This battlefield will be my casket,
There is no end. There is no victory.

But, I will keep going.
I will keep picking myself back up.
I will beat all odds against me.
I will slay everyone in my path.

I will go out fighting.
I will never stop fighting.

Make no mistake about that.


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- Jade xx

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