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Her? Oh, she has anorexia.

Him? Oh, he's got anxiety.

That girl? I heard, she's got really bad depression.

You know that guy? Yeah, apparently he's a total nutcase.

Did you hear about the girl who tried to kill herself yesterday?

Apparently, his parents had to take him to the psychiatric ward.

She is so bipolar.

He is, like, schizophrenic.

I heard her, she made herself throw up after lunch.

He has insomnia, that's why he's always so out of it.

She is so weird! She has ADHD or something.

He needs extra help, I wonder if he's dyslexic?

No one knows people by their names anymore. It's not "Kylie, that really pretty blonde girl in our class." Instead it's just "That girl who doesn't talk. I heard she has social anxiety."

No one should be defined by a label.
No one should have to be categorised.
Not based on looks, not based on sexual preference, not based on gender, and not based on mental issues.

Stop judging people and putting a label on them.
Labels are horrible. No one wants to be known only for their mental illness.
You should never feel ashamed for having a problem, but you should never be made fun of for it either.
Each person is unique and beautiful in their own way.

So, stop being an insensitive dickhead.

Stop labelling people, throw it away, and get to know that person. You will probably be pleasantly surprised with what you find.

Labels do not shape you as a person.
Mental health does not shape who you are.
The beautiful soul within you, that's what makes you, you.

And you are incredible <3


It's 5:15am and I'm meant to be sleeping, but I needed to get this out, haha.

Thank you all for reading, let me know what you think :)

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me :)

- Jade xx

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