For The First Time In A Long Time.

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For The First Time In A Long Time.

For the first time in a long time;

I actually have some direction.

For the first time in a long time;

I see the path ahead of me, instead of guessing my way.

For the first time in a long time;

I know what I want-what I need.

For the first time in a long time;

I feel.. Happy.

For the first time in a long time;

I'm relieved, a huge weight has been dropped from my shoulders.

For the first time in a long time;

I'm going to do something for myself.

I was a fool for trying to fix a broken relationship.

I was a fool for trying to help someone who clearly doesn't want help.

I was a fool for really believing my heart was talking.. When it was all my head.

I can no longer be held back in my life.

I can no longer destroy myself while I fix others.

I need to let go of everything.

I've been stuck in this for far to long..

I don't regret the years we had together.

You will always be my first love.

But now, you are like boulder, attached to my leg.

I'm trying-I'm trying so hard- to push forward.

But you don't allow me to move onward.

You hold me back.

I need to cut you loose.

I need to cut everything loose and go it alone.

I need to figure myself out.

I want to be alone.

I don't want a new relationship.

I just want to re-discover myself.

I'm climbing into the slingshot and now I'm finally ready to shoot forward.

For the first time in a long time;

I'm putting myself first.


Thank you for reading!

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- Jade xx

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