Not really a poem, not really a story.

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Not Really A Poem, Not Really A Story.

They told her she would never amount to anything.

They laughed when she shared her dreams.

They put her down, over and over.

Soon, she shrunk inside herself, keeping all her dreams to herself.

She was such a bright girl, with the kindest and most pure of hearts.

And they destroyed her.

They pushed her around, taunting her for her beliefs

She didn't tell anyone, she just preyed that it would stop.

School, once her favourite thing, became her hell.

Her home life was no better, even without them, she still had to deal with her drunken father.

Her flowery sundress turned into any piece of clothing that covered her bruised covered body.

Her porcelain skin coloured black and blue.

Her big blue eyes swollen shut.

Her lips cut and chapped.

The hope drained from her.

Her dreams were turned into drug induced fantasies.

Her beliefs washed away.

She stopped preying, resenting all religion.

She was beaten at school.

She was beaten at home.

It's hard to concentrate on homework when all you can hear is the shattering of yet another set of glasses!

Life was a chore.

Pushing furniture in front of her door, pushing in her earbuds, but no matter the volume, nothing could drown out the thuds of her fathers fists.

She sobbed and curled into a ball as he burst through the door.

Blood covered his hands, his eyes were glazed over, drunk and full of hate.

He beat her harder than he ever had before, until she felt herself slip away.

She wanted to succumb to the blackness.. To stop feeling pain. But she just couldn't fall into that blissful sleep.

Her eyes adjusted to a bloodied mess outside the room.. Her mother..

She didn't need to check for a pulse. She knew.

She reached out and grabbed a lamp, whacking the monster she refused to call her father over the head, knocking him out cold.

Calmly, she stood and walked over to her desk and pulled out a rope.

She fastened it over the curtain rail in the bathroom and stared into the hole where she would place her neck.

The house was dark and cold, her life was blackened and ruined. But, somehow, inside that hole that would claim her life, she saw sunshine.

She saw rainbows and lush grass, she saw welcoming arms.

She saw love.

She saw her mother.

She placed her head through the hole and tightened it, feeling her throat constrict.

Her breaths were ragged, her body began to twitch.

And with her last breath, she managed a smile.


Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think :)

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- Jade xx

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