Unrealistic Expectations.

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Unrealistic Expectations.

Cinderella lost her shoe at the ball and her prince searched the entire town to find her.

Snow White took care of 7 men, then was poisoned, her only saviour? A kiss from a man.

Ariel gave up everything, her family, her home, her friends, all for a man.

Little girls are shaped into thinking that you need a man to complete you. You need a man to be happy. You need a man to save you.

Why? Why would you groom young girls into thinking they need to be perfect? They need to find true love? They need their own 'Prince Charming'

Instead of filling girls with unrealistic expectations, we should be letting them have a childhood! Let them discover themselves and who they are.

It's okay to not be a princess.

It's okay to grow up and not get married.

It's not okay to try search for your own perfect man, while crushing all other men who come your way just because they aren't perfect.

It's not okay to feel less of yourself just because you are single.

You should never let a relationship define you.

You are worthy.
You are beautiful.
You are intelligent.
You are more.

There is more to life than love.
And it's about fucking time people learned that.

It's about time everyone learned that life isn't a fairytale.


Thank you for reading :)

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- Jade xx

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