What Have I Done.

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What Have I Done?

I've been asked so many questions I don't know the answer to.
I've been asked so many questions, that I don't even know what to do!

I feel so exposed, too exposed and weak.
You don't understand how hard this is for me, the words are hard to speak!

I feel so vulnerable under their gazes, silently judging me.
I didn't mean to open up like I did, please just leave me be!

But no, I had to say what was really on my mind.
Believe me when I say, that courage was difficult to find.

And now I have appointments and meetings to attend.
They want me to trust them, but I'm the only person whom I can depend.

Medication, scans, tests - like I'm a bloody lab rat.
I'm now a tiny little mouse, I'm used to being the cat.

Why did I say those words? Let you write them all down?
I sat there and watched as you furiously scrawled them on your notepad, your face set in a frown.

Now I'm more than what you thought. My brain is a dangerous place.
I would say I'm special. But I'm not.

I'm just a head case.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

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- Jade xx

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