Control? What Control.

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Control? What Control.  A free verse poem.

You yanked away all my control.

You stole my entire attitude.

You left me an exposed mess.

I can't be an exposed mess.

I need to be strong.

I need to be tough.

I need to be cocky.

I need control.

Why am I letting this happen?

My mind is spinning, I can't think.

I can't do this!

I can't let him in..

You can see right through me.

But I can't let that happen.

The pity.. The anger.. The hurt.

I can't do this.

Why is this so different?

I'm losing grip.

Maybe I never had a grip..

You're consuming me

Stay away from me.

I'm broken. Damaged goods.

You can't handle this.

I can't handle this.

I know this is wrong.

But why does it feel right?

My mask is slipping.

I'm slowly coming undone.

How the fuck did I let this happen?

How the fuck are you doing this to me?

I'm so exposed..

This wasn't meant to happen..

And now I'm terrified.


Thank you for reading!

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- Jade xx

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