Chapter 1 Octavia

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The morning sunlight crept between the trees, landing delicately on the group moving through the peaceful dawn forest, you could even see the outlined moon fading away in the sky. Octavia stayed close to Bellamy, and Finn, ignoring the others that walked along with them. 

"So...why don't you tell me what it was like, O?" Bellamy asked, glancing back down at his little sister, raising one of his brows. Octavia shrugged, feeling a tad uncomfortable sharing the gory details with her brother, the things that had happened over this past week will haunt her for life. 

"N-Not much really..." Octavia replied, shrugging. "Why don't you tell me what you guys did first." 

"Finn shot a little kid." Bellamy replied, his eyes widening as he received the realization of what he just said. Octavia gasped, glancing back towards Finn, whose face turned rock hard and pale. He then moved back in the line, avoiding contact with Bellamy or Octavia for that evening. Bellamy winced, shaking his head. 

"Did he really, Bell?" Octavia asked innocently, tilting her head. 

"Yes, Octavia..he did...As much as I am against his actions, it was an accident...he didn't mean to shoot the poor kid, he thought he was a bad person." Bellamy replied, keeping Octavia close in his arms. "I did some stuff I'm not proud of while I was away from you.."

"Like what?" Octavia inquired, blinking a few times before Bellamy grunted. 

"How do you think we obtained all these swords and Ax's? What did we find a weaponry shop nearby?" He asked, laughing at his own sarcastic words. Octavia joined in on the laughter by allowing a few giggles to escape, before her face dilating into a serious expression. 


"We killed a few groups of Grounders.." Bellamy sighed, staring down in greed and guilt. "But it was different from Finn's situation, they were attacking us...trying to kill us...We didn't have a choice, it was kill or be killed." Bellamy admitted, narrowing down his trek. Octavia snorted, rolling her large eyes. 

"Oh please, I jumped off a damn mountain, burned a guys forehead, and had a thorn stick through my thigh...Pretty sure my adventure alone was more interesting then yours." She giggled jokingly. Bellamy didn't giggle, chuckle, or even smile, he stared seriously at Octavia. 

"Come on..Tell me, what happened? I want to know...Like after they took you from me that day, where did they bring you..tell me the full story." Bellamy said, placing his left hand on her shoulder. Octavia's smile translated into a subtle frown, staring down at her boots as she continued to walk through the morning woods, followed by about six others. 

"After they took me, They brought me to this large cubic building, like a prison, threw me into a cell, and kept me there for a few weeks.." Octavia's tone was getting dark and grungy, as she stared deep into her Brothers eyes. "Finally one day, a man named Ajax took me from the cell, and brought me to their leader. They call her, Heda, whatever that means...Anyway, long story short, I pissed her off, and she was about to kill me and Alyson, until I beat the guards up, and ran away." 

"Wait, what!? Alyson was there!?" Bellamy asked, his lower jaw hanging open a bit. "Where'd she go? Is she still there!? Did she make it!?" Bellamy sounded serious, and Octavia shrugged. 

"I don't know, I last saw her a few days ago when I broke free from the guards and ran away...I'm pretty sure she is fine. Alyson is a girl who knows her way around things..." Octavia replied, walking over a moss covered log, which stuck right out of the ground. "Anyway...Speaking of dead." Octavia's tone began to higher now, making her sound like she was younger. Bellamy's nervous gaze shifted upon Octavia, he looked worry. Octavia wasn't aware that he cared for her that much. "The other half of the Dropship, the people that were on board it..their dead." 

"Jesus do you know?" Bellamy asked coldly, whipping a smudge of dirt from his right cheek, blinking a few times. 

"Heda told me. Or whatever her name is..." Octavia frowned, locking her fingers with Bellamy's, he gave her a sincere squeeze, and they continued on. Inside, Octavia felt empty, insecure, uncomfortable, the Brother she knew a couple weeks ago was gone it felt like, like this is a new Brother, a changed Brother. Octavia just couldn't focus. She was so unfocused, and uninterested, that the whole time, she kept her gaze down at the soil, sighing. She didn't notice the being hiding behind a set of canopy trees, watching her. His eyes locked on her movements, with a black bandanna around his mouth area. All he did was watch Octavia, and follow the group. This precise man, was the exact man who brought her down into that cellar, the same one who chained her up, the same one who fixed her wound by cauterizing it, the same one who has been watching her longer then she thought, and has a burning forbidden obsession with her. 

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