Chapter 8 Bellamy

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His hands were restrained with a roll of rope, behind a chair, his feet were also tied up. After finding out his acts of crime from back on the Ark, Wells and a few others in camp took matters into their own hands and tied Bellamy up, seeing him as a threat. Bellamy didn't put up a fight, he just allowed them to tie him up, it is probably just a phase with them, they just need to see that Bellamy is truly innocent, and the only one that actually believes that so far is Alyson. For the last ten minutes she was sitting by him, talking to him trying to comfort him, he doesn't even think Octavia knows he is tied up, she is probably still at the top floor of the Dropship, chatting with Finn. They could have at least sent someone up to alarm her. 

"I would let you go Bellamy, but they'd be piss at me...they'll forge a riot or something and then want to harm me..." Alyson sighed, sitting right across from Bellamy at the lowest Dropship level, the first floor. Bellamy was in the corner, while the whole other area was open up to the meddling Teens, some chatting while others listened to some music on the record player. 

"I understand Alyson, I don't even want you to cut me loose...I want you safe, from these bullies. Just promise me you'll be on my side in this.." 

"I always will, no matter the cost..Just as long as your on the right side.." Alyson responded, placing her right hand on his thigh, patting him. He smiled at her, seeing from his cornea slip, Octavia climbing down the ladder, her gaze shifting unto Bellamy, as she leaped down, and darted right over to him, not even acknowledging Alyson. 

"What the hell-Why are you tied up?" Octavia asked, sliding her hands out from her jean pockets, dangling them from her waistline. 

"A pod fell from the Ark, with some girl in it, she knows I shot the Chancellor, everyone in the Ark knows...And now Chancellor junior thinks he is calling the shots..." Bellamy sighed, bowing his head a bit, his hair dangling in front of his eyes. Octavia's face lit up, as she leaned forward, crouching a bit in front of Bellamy. 

"Wait, the Ark is still alive!? their not dead? I thought after a Month they would of died from lack of oxygen...removing us from the population only bought them a few more weeks." Octavia said, her voice suddenly courageous and hopeful, as her beautiful eyes twinkled with life. 

"Ask 'Mrs Fall from the sky and Blame stuff on Bellamy,' she is outside." Bellamy gestured his face towards the open Dropship entrance. Octavia nodded, spinning around on her heels and retorting outside. Alyson shook her head. 

"I don't think she remembers me.." Alyson said, shaking her head. Bellamy chuckled, balancing his vision on her. 

"I'm pretty sure she remembers you, she saw you less then a month ago.." 

"Yes, but the mind remembers what it wants to remember, she may have not remembered me, due to her not wanting to remember...But then again, if she didn't want to remember, she'll truly remember not wanting to remember." Alyson said, Bellamy already growing confused. 

"Your not forgettable. Period." Bellamy added, causing her to burst into giggles, her confused look gone, and her smile out. 

"Neither are you.." She replied, ruffling Bellamy's hair. "I'm going to go get a pail of water for you, I know your thirsty.." Alyson rose up on her heels. 

"Oh I'm thirsty, but not for water." Bellamy winked at her and Alyson ran off giggling like a little schoolgirl. Bellamy smirked, knowing what a good friend he had made him confident, and brave. He just hopes that nothing happens, that nothing ruins their chemistry, that they continue as an enternal source of happiness for one another, forever. 

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