Chapter 5 Clarke

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Clarke held the torch in her hand, Alyson navigated them through the caves, while Wells assisted that girl Raven, she wasn't walking that well, she hurt her legs on the way down, so it'll take her a while to walk on her own, Wells was just holding her hands and directing her behind Clarke. 

"I can't wait to see everyone else..Especially my boyfriend." Raven smiled, Almost tripping over something on the ground. 

"Whoa watch yourself!" Wells said, catching her from her fall. Clarke noticed that she tripped over a large iron line leading all throughout the caverns corridors, it was a railway. Clarke pursed her lips and rose both of her brows as she watched her step, making sure not to trip. At the end of the corridor, you saw a light gleaming and people yelping and screaming, crying and weeping. Clarke froze up, frightened half to death. Raven had a suspicious look on her face. 

"Those..uh..aren't our people..are they?" She asked, her expression growing grim and scarce. Clarke twisted around to nod slowly, turning back around. You heard Raven gulp, and she began to tremble, until Wells relaxed her. 

"We can't go forward, we can't go backwards...what do we do?" Alyson asked, she was biting her nails and leaned up against the cavernous walls. 

"Still have that sword you robbed off of that grounder when we were about to be executed?" Clarke asked, raising her right brow slyly. Alyson nodded, sliding it out from her side. it looked rusted, and about to break. Clarke grabbed it, inhaling and exhaling. "This corridor looks like it connects with another corridor. I kill one, they run after me the opposite direction, the coast is clear for you guys...I'm sure I'll outrun them." Clarke sounded serious, her eyes sparkled in the torch light, and her lips were straight. Wells grasped her shoulder, his expression weary. 

"No way, I'm not having my best friend run for her life." He frowned, staring into her deep blue eyes, and she stared back into his brown almond eyes. 

"Only way Wells..I'll make it..I promise you." Clarke cracked a smile, before turning back towards the screams and shouts erupting from the end of the corridor. 

"I'll do it." Wells huffed, sternly gripping her hand. Clarke turned to stare at him, before breaking her arm free from his grip. 

"No Wells, your acting like this is a death sentence." Clarke shook her head, walking forward, Wells grabbing her once more. She grew irritated. "You need to carry Raven, and Alyson needs to navigate!" She shot her words back as if they were a bullet, hitting a man in the face, because once she said that, Wells looked extremely hurt for some reason. Clarke had to admit, it was as if she were risking her life. She didn't know how many Grounders were around that corner, but she did know there was another corridor connected with that one, she saw the collision through the corner of the corridor they were already in. Clarke slowly walked forward, the sword in her right hands, her eyes straight, and her head high. Fear rushed through her, she wasn't afraid of the damn Grounders, for some reason, she was afraid of her humane self. She may have to kill one of the Bastards in this situation. She reached the edge of the hallway, where she lumped up against the wall and peered over to the other room of the caverns. 

There had to be dozens all standing there and chatting with one another, some sharpening their swords and blades, and others steering these carts on the rails down other connections of halls. They honestly didn't look like the Grounders Clarke and everyone else knew, they looked like some kind of rogue clan, they all wore these hellish red patches on their armor and shirts, and all had piercings on their face. They looked like Monsters in Clarke's opinion. Clarke gulped, noticing one one of them separate from the others, closer to Clarke. She could kill him to draw attention, then make a run for it, or just scream to draw attention. She glanced back at Alyson and Wells, Wells now had raven in his arms, he couldn't carry her anymore. Then she shifted her gaze back over to the gruesome looking rogue Grounders, who all had these ugly piercings, and filthy looks. Clarke inhaled, running forward, swinging the sword, and cutting down the closest ones stomach, blood splattered onto Clarke as the mans body fell lifelessly to the ground. Clarke's jaw widened as her eyes excelled, staring down at the corpse. She killed him instantly, her first kill. 

She began to breathe faster, as she spun right around, running down a random set of corridors, going left and right every time there was a turn. She felt herds of people running behind her, their footsteps echoing as they sound like there getting closer and closer. Clarke continued to grip onto the sword, not letting go. She felt swooshes of air hit her back, as the people behind her all attempted to swing their swords and chop her up. She kept running nonstop, praying she can outrun them. And she kept running, and running, and running. through the Dark caves. 

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