Chapter 17 Octavia

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She entered the camp of the dropship, things seemed different. Instead of everyone being spread out frolicking, everyone was all huddled up, talking, there had to be nine, or ten groups spread about. Octavia felt slightly uncomfortable when she entered, but ignored it as she walked past everyone straight into the Dropship. She did some thinking, and took it upon herself to admit that Raven being with Finn is something she is going to have to respect. Although her liking for Raven has gone down a few meters, she is sure she and her will be friends still, no matter what the circumstances were. As she entered, she saw Finn and her adjusting something, then putting the wrench down. Music was playing the record player must have been here. A nice guitar strum was being played, as Finn and Raven played around with the radio knob. 

"Broken Stones..Broken lightning." The music artist sang, as Octavia approached Raven and Finn. Finn gave her a look. A look of gratitude and pride, and sorrow. "This house of doubt, is all we know.."

"Hey Octavia!" raven greeted, over the slow strum of the music. Octavia didn't say hi back, she just kinda nodded, placing both of her hands on the counter the radio rested on. 

"Chasing down, the silver lining...Of wounded minds and wounded souls.." Octavia felt Finn's gaze press against her, and his hands pat her back, as Raven's face illuminated with excitement. 

"The final adjustments are in! Here Octavia, I want you to do the honors...flip the knob." Raven placed her left hand on Octavia's shoulder. 

"Ohhh, Ohhh Oh, We are coming home, We are coming home, Ohhh, Ohhh Oh, We are coming home, We are coming home.." Octavia placed her hand on the knob, shuttering as the knobs cold touch met her skin. With an inhale, she flicked it and the radio turned on, static began playing out. "Screaming minds...All around us..Safe and sound, like the rhythm of snow.."

"Calling Ark station!" Raven said into a transmitter, saying it repeatedly. A few teens walked into the Dropship, seeing what the ruckus was, and once they found it, they glued their eyes on the radio and watched. 

"All young dreams..where have you gone now?" Even more teens gathered, all happily jumping for joy, and listening, while those who didn't want to contact the Ark, all laid low in the back. "these roads were paved, with the golden song.."

"Calling Ark station." Raven repeated, breathing heavily. "We need you." She said, Finn holding her gracefully, as you heard something on the other line, much like a swoosh, then you heard muffled voices, until the voices became clear. 

"Hello? Who is this?" The voice asked, while others in the background of the static murmured. Raven pushed some buttons on the radios side, and then spoke again. 

"Yes, this is raven Reyes, reporting from the Ground, I'm currently with the hundred." She spoke sincerely, as everyone around them cheered. 

"Ohhh, Ohhh Oh, We are coming home, We are coming home.."

"Huh? I'm sorry Miss, we don't know what your talking about, this is Mount Weather Emergency Operations center....Who are you? Where are you? How did you get into our frequency?" The voice asked, everything turning from happiness and hugs, to sorrow and fear. Ravens face went grim, and so did Octavia's. This wasn't The Ark that they were contacting, it was some other people somewhere else on Earth. Raven was about to speak up, when Finn stopped her, cutting off the radio. There was an eerie silence which swept among everyone, clearly the plan didn't go as planned. Even the record player cut off, Raven stood there, shaking, as Finn comforted her. The whole thing felt uncalled for and odd. 

"What do we do now?" A kid in the crowd asked. Every teen just stared at raven, she didn't know what to do, but Octavia did, as she rehashed her memories. 

"We shoot flares...Not just any flares...high powered ones, that will burn bright enough, soar high enough, to notice the Ark, so they know we are alive! We just need everyone to pitch in, and the Ark will be alarmed, by Tonight!" Octavia raised her fist, honestly expecting no one to like her idea, but they did. Many others raised their fists as well, rooting for Octavia's idea, the idea which they had earlier and never really did. "Then lets get to it! Raven, brew some chemicals! Finn, find some launch pads! and everyone else, start constructing!" 

(SONG: Home II~ By Dotan 

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