Chapter 21 Clarke

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She saw it. The Dropship was in the distance, down the steep dirt hill, she and Lexa were trekking down. Basically a whole Army marching from behind. They are here to spread word about the new found peace treaty between the sky people, and the grounders, or what they call themselves, trikru. 

"I hope this works." Clarke sighed, honestly happy she was out of those clothes that the grounders put her in from the start. Instead of scraggly silk shoes, Clarke now wore a pair of fur boots. Instead of dark brown loose leather pants, she wore a pair of dark britches, which fit nicely. And to top it all off, she wore a nice hazel top, which fit nice as well. her hair remained the same, One of the Grounders offered Clarke a new hairstyle, but Clarke denied. Too bizarre for her. 

"Relax, Clarke. It will work. You told me your people are prideful, and considerate. Your a good leader I bet, and hopefully our treaty will expand to greater opportunities between our people." Lexa said lastly, before the group reached the camps gate, a familiar face peeking over the gates walls, aiming a gun at Lexa and Clarke. 

"Don't move! I'll shoot!" The man screamed. Eugene. Once he saw Clarke, his face stiffened, as he began to lower his gun. Not at seeing Clarke, but at the army of Grounders behind the two heroine leaders. A few of the Grounders drew their bows and raised their spheres. 

"Chil Daun!" Lexa said loudly, loud enough for the group of grounders to hear, and lower their weapons. Lexa turned to Clarke, worry faced. "Clarke, i thought you said they weren't hostile." 

"They aren't!" Clarke replied, shifting her gaze back upon Eugene. "Eugene, Open the gate!" Eugene popped back down, the gate suddenly opening. Clarke, Lexa, and the Grounders behind them trudged forward into the camp. Almost every teen, had a gun, aimed at Lexa and her people. Clarke's face began to stiffen. "What the hell is going on here!?" Clarke yelled loudly, not one gun lowering. A silhouette stepped out from the dropship. Wells. He had his gun aimed at lexa as well. Once he caught a glimpse of Clarke, his eyes widen, and he began to tremble. 

"Clarke, y-your alive!" Wells stuttered, stepping forward a few steps, about eight foot away from Clarke. He didn't move an inch, he just continued to aim at Lexa. "I thought they killed you down in the caves!" 

"The people that are in the caves aren't grounders...their Reapers...I outran them, so that's a plus.." Clarke added, stepping forward to Wells. "Wells what the hell is going on!?" Clarke asked loudly. 

"Chancellor Junior pledges war against the grounders, he wants to blow every Grounders head off he sees." Finn said, stepping out from the crowd, Octavia beside him. Clarke was surprised to see Octavia, she hasn't seen here in so long, neither has she seen Finn. 

"Is this true?" Clarke asked Wells, who still hasn't lowered his weapon. Wells uncomfortably nodded. 

"These people will ruin us Clarke, their no good.." 

"that's not true." lexa spoke up, stepping forward. The teens that were on Wells side, transitioned to Clarke by lowering their weapons. Clarke wasn't sure if it was due to the amount of Grounders with swords and bows behind Clarke, or the fact that they understand that siding with Wells is just plain idiotic. Wells was the only one with a gun raised, the only one on his side. As Lexa stepped forward, he began to back up. 

"Take one more step forward, and I'll shoot!" Wells warned, his finger on the trigger. Lexa chuckled, continuing to draw forward. 

"You wouldn't do such a thing. Your soft, never killed a thing, unbalanced.." Lexas eyes were straight on Wells, as she continued to draw forward. "I remember you when Ajax brought you forward to my throne...You were weak. You didn't look brave or exceptional." Wells was shaking, sweating immensely. "You couldn't harm a fly." Lexa said finally, before swinging back Wells, grabbing him by his collar and throwing him onto the Ground below, he aimed up from the ground, shooting a few bullets into the air, hoping to cap her with one, but lexa grabbed the edge of the gun, slamming it against Wells forehead and spiraling him unconscious. She then stood up, seeing she was the center of attention in the camp. Everyone watched her. She then rose tall, and placed one hand on her hip. "Today, Trikru, And Skaikru align together. A peace is now forged, we march together in war!" Lexa said loudly, some of the Grounders cheering. "May leader of Skaikru, come forth!" Lexa yelled. Clarke trekked forward, meeting Lexas side, staring into her eyes. Lexa stared back, and smiled widely, grabbing Clarke's hand, and raising it up towards the sky. "Together!" lexa screamed. 

"Together!" Everyone else yelled back. Clarke smiled as well, noticing familiar faces in the crowds. Bellamy, who was tied down to a chair for some unknown reason. Octavia, Alyson, Jasper, Finn..they all were smiling to, and cheering for Clarke. The crowd continued to cheer, everyone cheering again and again, shooting their guns into the air, and others firing bows at the sky. Lexa glanced to Clarke, and began to speak lowly as the cheering continued. 

"Your friend, Wells, he won't be killed. He will be taken to the Capitol, east of Edens pass...He'll be freed in ninety days." lexa said, before returning her viewpoint to the crowd, as her smile returned. Clarke gulped, feeling a tinge of guilt for Wells. She stared at his unconscious body, sighing. but today is not going to be the day that they remember Wells getting knocked Unconscious. Today is going to be the day they acknowledge the peace between them, and the Grounders. Clarke thought for a moment, naming this day, The Generation Of Solitude. 

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