Chapter 2 Clarke

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Across the forest floor they ran, dodging tree Branches barely clinging to the bark, rock formations, and sliding past Poison ivy patches and other toxic plants. All Clarke was worried about was getting to that pod before the Grounders, there is something there they want, something their not getting as long as its up to Clarke. She glanced up, seeing the smoke trail getting closer and closer. 

"We should probably keep heading North, this way we can go straight and cut off the Grounders." Alyson suggested, halting Clarke and Wells running motion in the middle of a clearing of trees. Clarke admired Alyson's sense of integrity, but didn't like her idea. 

"No, If we do that, we'll be right beside them, they need to know we are not coming...I speculate the pod is probably a few more mere miles, if we cut off their direction, we'll make it there before them." Clarke replied, huffing and panting from all the fast paced running. Alyson pouted a bit, furrowing both of her delicate brows, as a sudden breeze passed. 

"Few more miles?" Alyson quoted, tilting her head to the right a sly bit, and placing her left hand on her hip. "We've been running all night, and the smoke trail in the sky is as close as can be...we'll be there within ten minutes." She said, looking as if she were looking for an argument. Clarke gave her a bold look, curling her fingers up into a fist, but Wells stopped them, by leaping into the middle of it all. 

"Whoa, Whoa! If we are almost there, then lets go, we are ahead of the Grounders, lets keep it like that." Wells suggested, putting both of his hands out to keep the two apart. It was as if Wells was a magnet, propelling two slabs of metal. Clarke nodded, and so did Alyson, and the three broke back into a run, not looking back, not looking to the side, only forward. 


Clarke huffed and huffed, stopping inanimately, along with Alyson and Wells. They were here at last. The smoke trail lead to this certain area, but where was the pod? 

"Where the hell is it!? Do you think the smoke trail mislead us?" Alyson asked, darting her eyes in different directions, searching for it anxiously. Clarke felt dumbfounded, but to her realization, the pod was right in their sight, if it was a dog, it would have bit them. Clarke's eyes widened, as she glared up, noticing the large metallic cubic pod, dangling over them, hanging from some loose tree vines. Clarke winced, falling back on her bottom, and crawled back until her back met with a trees rough bark. Wells also backed up, along with Alyson. "Well, i guess we found it.." Alyson admitted, trembling. Wells extended his arm out for Clarke to grasp it, and she did, as he assisted her back up on her boots heels. 

"Now how are we going to get that down?" Clarke sighed to herself, kicking a pebble of the ground. 

"I don't think its smart to get it down..We probably should go up and get it." Wells replied, trekking around the dangling pod, over to a vine forming on exact tree its hanging from. "I'll climb up, pop the doors open and see whats inside." Wells said, grasping one of the green vines running along the tree bark. 

"Wells no, come on. Don't you think its a tad to dangerous?" Alyson asked, crossing her arms and walking forward. Clarke came forward as well, wearing those rags and cloth the Grounders put on her, she was freezing but didn't admit it.  

"Its more then a tad to dangerous, it is a lot dangerous." Clarke debated, rolling her eyes. She was going to talk Wells out of it, but he was already on his way up, making his way onto the branch which had the pod dangling from it. Clarke nervously trekked to the side of the tree, attempting to climb up to help Wells, but ended up sliding back down onto her bottom, grunting annoyingly. Wells held his balance as he slowly walked across the branch, crouching lower and lower each time he took another step forward, he maneuvered himself down so he was on top of the pod, right on top of the doors. He went in his pocket, and wriggled around a while, pulling out a sharp rock, which he wedged between the door, grunting as he pulled down as hard as he can. And with a pop, the door flew off, almost hitting Alyson in the face. 

"Hey! Watch it, Chancellor junior!" Alyson teased. Wells rolled his eyes, grabbing the top section of the pod, and moving inside.

"What do you see in there!?" Clarke yelled, her eyes locked on the mysterious pod. She squinted, noticing Wells coming out with something in his arms. Not something, someone. it was a girl, about a year over Clarke's age, with bright skin, and her hair in a ponytail, she was unconscious. Clarke's eyes widened, as her jaw unloosened, she could tell the same for Alyson. Wells stared at the girls face, then navigated his gaze at Clarke and Alyson. 

"It's a girl." He said, holding her in his arms. 

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