Chapter 14 Clarke

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Clarke was leaning back against a stone wall, twiddling her thumbs around. About six hours ago Lexa, The commander of the Grounders, left the building to go speak with the leader of some sort of tribe called the 'Ice Nation.' The room Clarke was in, was much neater then the cells. It had a bed, lit candles, and a window, sure it had bars, but it was a much cleaner then the other one. Clarke stared out the window, at the alluring sunset, orange streaks were settling across the sky, as the huge fiery sun swirled in the center of the sky, the forests looking golden, making Clarke's eyes widen. She wondered if everyone was alright. If Wells, Alyson and that girl Raven made it back to the Dropship. She hopes. A door behind her opened up, interrupting her thoughts. Clarke twisted around halfway, seeing Lexa enter the room, two guards behind her. 

"Bants Ai." Lexa spoke, raising both of her hands. The two Grounder guards gave her cruel and surprised looks. 

"heda, Laik Yu get Klin? Em Ay trei Gona haf." One of the guards spoke, placing a hand on lexa's shoulder. 

"She won't try anything. She can't, she won't make it past the first hit." Lexa spoke, this time in English as she walked forward to Clarke, the two guards behind exiting the area, The door snapping shut behind them. "Good evening Clarke of the Sky people. Perhaps we can speak about our treaty here." 

"Alright...we will..First, I want to know a few things." Clarke crossed her arms, her tone getting serious as she furrowed her brows. Lexa looked quite interested, as she sat down, placing her chin on her hand. 

"Very well, what are your questions?" 

"I want to know why the hell you chased after me and my friends screaming 'Come back with our Leader,' what did you mean by that? You didn't answer that question from earlier, so right now is the best time do some explaining." 

"Alright, it is a long story.." Lexa warned, getting comfortable on the edge of the bed. 

"I got all the time in the world.." Clarke replied. 

"Long ago, When the first Commander was still alive, there use to be pods sent down from space, containing people in them. We believe that the Gods sent the pods down as a blessing, as for the people in the pods became our next Leaders...That's where my Mother came from, up there." Lexa pointed up, as Clarke's jaw loosened a bit. The Ark. When The Ark sent pods down over The years, the survivors of those pods became the Grounders leaders, because the Grounders believe that the Ark is the great gods gifting them with new leaders. Clarke felt pitiful to explain to Lexa that her and the Grounders whole system is a sham, so instead she just sat there nodding. "Sadly, My mother died years ago..during the Fallout of the Delphi clan. My mother thought it would be smart for her to fight in a war..." Lexa continued, shaking her head with a frown. "It wasn't smart..because she died. And the Delphi clan to this day still lurks out in the outer regions of Polis and the Deadzone." 

"Uh.." Clarke said confusingly. Lexa smiled a bit, shaking her head once more. 

"That's right..Your not familiar with the areas or the coalition is alright, as long as your around long enough, you'll understand what I mean...any other questions?" Clarke shrugged, still astonished that Lexa's mother is actually from The Ark. She wondered why The Ark sent pods down to Earth when they knew it wasn't survivable, she ignored it, and focused on what is more important, understanding what the hell is going on. 

"who were the people in the caves?" Clarke asked. 

"Reapers...They come from the mountain...again, you'll understand what i mean when you are here longer.." 

"Oh..alright, I believe that's all...Now, peace talk time." Clarke sat down on the bed as well, right beside Lexa. Lexa reached into her pocket, and pulled out a knife, placing it on the bed. Clarke felt uncomfortable with it there, but didn't say anything. 

"If we forge a peace treaty, you and my people will treat each other with respect and care, no attacks, no anything. We can share supplies, and make gatherings...And if you like, we can consider your people an official clan to our coalition." Lexa spoke sincerely, her eyes locked on Clarke's, and Clarke's locked on hers. Clarke inclined a bit, sighing. 

"And if we don't take this treaty?" 

"then we will continue the ceremony by killing you first, and then sending three hundred warriors off into the woods, to take down the rest of the sky people.." Lexa smirked, uncrossing her arms. "Be smart, and pick the right choice. Your lucky I'm actually giving you an option..Ajax tried to talk me out of mercy for your people, but I insisted on it." 

"Fine, There will be peace.." Clarke answered, shuddering as she felt a chilly breeze past. Lexa's smirk transitioned into a subtle grin, as she picked the knife up from the bed, slowly driving it across her palms, reddish blood leaking out, flowing down her wrists. Clarke wheezed, as it looked extremely painful. Lexa then gave the knife to Clarke who did the same. She dropped it back on the bed, extending her arms out to shake Lexa's hand. They did, and their blood bounded. 

"Osir Laik Teina Bai Jus." Lexa spoke, her smile ongoing. Clarke tilted her head, confused. "I said We are Bounded By blood...We are at peace." The two leaders rose up, brushing themselves off. 

"What now?" 

"Now, we return to your camp to tell your people...and arm them....and train be Warriors." 

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