Chapter 10 Clarke

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Miles she has been running, she was already out of breath. She had blood stains splatted all over herself, staining her hair and  skin. She outran the strange clan who chased her all throughout the cave tunnels into the woods, it was already beginning to dilate into dusk. The blood blackened her brass sword, which was kept in her right hands at all time. As she walked through the woods, searching for the dropship, she felt as if there was another presence with her, she kept twisting around every few seconds to see if there was a watcher, but nothing was there, except her shadow which greeted her with its dark outline onto the golden grass, reflecting the beautiful sunset through the oak wood trees. 

Clarke finally stopped walking, and stopped, standing there, her sword drawn, and her hair back. The attire she was in, she felt like a Grounder, she wore baggy leather clothing with old leather boots which hung loosely from her ankles at times when she trekked far enough. Suddenly, a black figure arose from behind a set of trees, Clarke didn't spin around fast enough to identify the being, whoever it was, they grabbed Clarke by the front, and placed a edgy knife by her throat. 

"Drop the sword." the feminine voice spoke. Clarke gulped, dropping her sword, hearing it hit the grass made her stomach wheeze. Suddenly, she felt a clonk to the head, as her vision was beginning to fade away, her last view was on the person who clonked her spiraling unconscious. It was Karlina. The one who held Wells hostage, and called in guards to restrain Clarke and Alyson. A Grounder she was, a pretty cruel one. A pretty cruel grounder who now has their hands on Clarke Griffin. 


Her vision returned, hours later. She couldn't see anything though, she knows her eyes are open, but she saw pitch black with only a few scratches of pure white in her peripheral vision. There was a burlap sack over her head, restraining her from seeing her area. All she knew was that she was in someones arms, and that someone bringing her somewhere. Suddenly, Clarke was thrown onto her knees, she saw trickles of light glint through the tiny seeped holes of the burlap sack. She wasn't sure where she was, but it was bright. 

"Teik Em Gon." A familiar voice spoke, very feminine, too light to be Karlina's dark tone. The burlap sack was removed with a whisk, and Clarke's eyes began to adjust to the rooms lighting. The Commander was sitting in her tree-like throne, Karlina and Ajax standing aside the throne, guarding her mercifully. The commander rose right from her seat, staring deep into Clarke's eyes. Clarke was astonished how different the Commander looked. It felt as if she endured a major transformation within twenty four hours. She didn't have no war paint on, her hair wasn't all curled up on top of her head, it was spilling down her back shoulders. She wasn't wearing her iron armor, just some scraggly clothing. She was toying with a knife in her hand, throwing it to the side once Clarke's vision landed on her fully. 

"Commander of the Grounders." Clarke said hoarsely, a grim expression plaiting her face. 

"Hello, Clarke." The commander replied, stepping down from the thrones stairs. She was back in the place she began, that prison she was running through with Alyson. 

"How do you know my name?" Clarke asked, tilting her head. 

"Prior knowledge. Your friends seem to bloat it out a lot.." The commander snorted. Clarke furrowed her brows, leaning forward, a Grounder guard from behind grasping her collar, making sure she doesn't go forward to much. 

"My friends?..Y-You have someone in your damn cells, who is it!?" Clarke's voice lifted towards the end of her sentence. 

"Relax. No one is in there...yet." The commander grimaced, crossing her arms. 

"What do you want? To continue your so called ceremonial execution where you hang me and my friends from wooden stakes? Or perhaps chase us around in the woods shooting arrows at us." 

"Clarke, please. I'm here to make a deal with you. Through all this mayhem and nonstop violence, I want something positive to result between us." The commanders words hit Clarke like a rock, but she was a little fed up with all this. 

"Try and execute us one day, befriend us the next? Your planning something commander." Clarke growled. 

"Commander? Please, call me Lexa." She spoke sincerely, Ajax cringing once Lexa granted Clarke permission to say her first name. Clarke honestly felt a tad bit honored, but then winced still a bit suspicious. 

"Alright Lexa..You know what? Why don't you explain your deal." When Clarke finished that sentence, Karlina glanced at Lexa, wincing similar to Ajax. Ajax's beard was gone, he must have shaved it within the twenty four hours Clarke and her friends were absent from his presence. 

"Give us our leader, and your people and my people will form a treaty." Lexa folded her hands, sitting back down. Clarke tilted her head, confused. 

"Wait..explain to me first, what do you mean by, leader? The girl who fell from the sky inside of a pod, her name is is she your leader?" Clarke asked. Lexa was about to speak up, but Ajax did before her. 

"Heda, you must meet with Queen Nia about your coalition must meet her at Edens path. That is a few miles south. You must leave now, we'll converse about the skaikru alliance later..." Ajax spoke, Lexa rising up again from her seat, nodding. 

"Clarke, we'll speak of this later, right now I have to go." Lexa's face remained stern and still, so flat and expressionless. It felt haunting. 

"Wait, no! You can't just blow me off! I need explanations!" Clarke spoke louder, in a more demanding tone. 

"Teik Er Kom Prell." Lexa said to two guards behind Clarke, who grasped her by her arms, and began dragging her out of the room, as Lexa threw some armor on, preparing for some sort of meeting with someone. 

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