Chapter 12 Bellamy

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He watched, as Octavia and Raven carried wires and other materials across the room, constructing a small device. Bellamy remained restrained in the corner, watching as the two girls really put in some work. Alyson sat beside Bellamy, also watching. 

"Wow, you girls are really at it.." Alyson commented, leaning back in her seat, sipping from a iron cup. "You know, if you need any help whatsoever, just ask me. I know a thing or two about Science.." 

"A thing or two? The first day you stood there and explained how stuff burn up in the atmosphere.." Bellamy added. 

"So? that's not so advanced..You haven't seen me really go yet." Alyson chuckled, as raven approached them. 

"yeah, if we need any help we'll ask..I'm pretty sure we've got it covered though." Raven replied, picking up a wrench from the stool to Bellamy's right. He nodded, also noticing that Octavia was eyeing Alyson oddly. perhaps she was jealous of all the attention Bellamy gave her? He wasn't sure, he just ignored it for now. 

"Alright.." Alyson replied, hitching up from her seat. "Bellamy, I'm going to go get more water.." She said, before running off. Bellamy felt a tinge of guilt for her, as if he done something wrong. Bellamy was going to get up and speak with Octavia privately, but he had forgotten his hands were bound. He grit his teeth, remembering Asshole Wells, tying him up in this mess. he just wishes that raven never even came down. Now that they are making a radio, The Ark will come down and Bellamy will be put away for life. He was going to caution Octavia about it, but Raven was here, she was a bad vibe to him. 

"So, Raven. You say your boyfriend is in this camp, did you find him yet?" Octavia asked, tilting her head as she made a few adjustments to the miniature antenna. Raven smiled, staring down at the wrench, twisting it around some sort of knob.

 "No..not yet..because i'm not looking yet. Contacting The Ark is more important...He would want me to.." Bellamy cringed at her attitude, at least it was positive, but something about this girl only made him more irritated. 

"Alright, well when we are done contacting The Ark..we'll find him..." Octavia shot her a sincere smile, and she gave it back to her. Bellamy leaned back, rolling his eyes, exhaling loudly. Octavia noticed his loud sigh, and ran right over, crouching right by him. "Yeah Bell?" She asked, her voice beginning to a tad bit deeper, not the same voice she had when they landed, she is growing up. Bellamy smiled to himself, before shaking the smile off. 

"Oh uh, think you can help me out with a drink? Alyson went to go get herself a refill" Bellamy asked, maneuvering his gaze down to a bottle of water on the floor. Octavia picked the bottle up, and popped the cap off, leaning the bottles tip forward, just enough for Bellamy to coil his lips around and take a swig. Once he was done, Octavia set it back on the floor. He could tell she noticed the sense of nervousness in his eyes, she gave him a hug, and pulled away to stare into his deep eyes. 

"Don't worry..we'll think of something...when they come down, I won't let them take you..We'll leave..." Octavia continued to stare, his gaze returning to her. His frown deepened. 

"Just-please..don't do this. Please, O." He asked, about to place his hands on her shoulders, but restrained back into the seat. 

"I'm sorry..I can't..I have to do something to help us here Bell..I'm not doing this for The Ark, I'm doing this for them." Octavia gestured at the outside of the dropship where everyone was working, hauling logs and crafting weapons. "they are suffering...after that experience with the Grounders...I just-i don't want them to feel what I felt..the fear that i had..the pain that engrossed me...I want their path to be different...I want to help them." She finished her sentence, and rubbed his shoulder, before rising back up and retreating help Raven. 

Bellamy sighed again, feeling actually a bit happy that his little Sister wants to help out, that she is taking responsibility, he was proud. The only thing he didn't like was that he is taking the aftermath of it. He leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling. As raven and Octavia continued constructing a radio. A million thoughts ran through his mind, as he dreaded what the Ark will do to him when they get down here if he doesn't flee in time. Imprison? Lynch? Bellamy has a hundred problems right now, and a Grounder ain't one. 

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