Chapter 13 Octavia

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Bellamy kept asking if they could move him outside, so he could watch the sunset with Alyson. Raven didn't seem pretty optimistic about the whole idea, considering Wells wasn't here. But she allowed him to anyway, as long as there was someone watching him and Alyson, and he was restrained. 

"Alright..All we need to do is turn this knob." Raven smiled happily, gesturing at the black knob. The radio was complete. Octavia smiled too, extending her arm out, cupping the knob, about to turn it, until Ravens loud yelp interrupted her, causing her to jump back in confusion. 

"Finn!" Raven screamed in joy, breaking into a run towards the ladder, where Finn was hoisting himself down from. He looked extremely surprised, but had the adrenal to wrap his arms around her, and hug her warmly. Octavia stood where she was, shocked and feeling suddenly alone on this planet. The two exchanged a few kisses, as Finn rested his chin on her shoulder, peering over at Octavia and giving her a certain look that said 'I'm sorry,' written all over it. Octavia frowned, followed by a wince, as she backed up, her bottom hitting the table. She was the girl he was speaking about, she was his girlfriend, who made it down from The Ark. 

Octavia couldn't take it, she felt tears begin to stream down her cheeks, as she turned and ran out from The Dropship, almost tripping on the way out. Forgetting about the radio she was about to turn on, forgetting about Raven, forgetting about Finn. She thought he and she shared something special, a bond, but that bond is nonexistent evidently. She pushed pass teens on her run out, and even ran past Bellamy's screams for her to come back, and screams of him asking whats going on. She ran into a plot of woods, running far enough so she was only in the presence of the tall trees. She plopped down on a log, laying back, more tears coming down from her cheeks. 

Octavia knew in a way that she was overreacting, and that liking Finn was just a phase, but she was so sure he was the one. Ever since the first day they met she thought he was the one. Her eyes closed gracefully, and it felt as if she was the sleeping beauty in the woods. She wasn't far from The Dropship, you could even see the top of it in the distance, resting on the side of a huge hill, which was spiraling down a steep Mountain, followed by an open ridge. 

Her thoughts were immersing as her middle fluttered, as she felt nervous. But she fought the nervousness off and focused on what was important, understanding that Finn is with someone else and that she needs to move on for him. These past three hours were the best ones of her life, considering it was the first time ever, that she had a boyfriend. A boyfriend who is gone to someone else. 

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