Chapter 9 Octavia

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She stepped down from the Dropship entrance, spotting Wells across the campgrounds. Octavia burst into anger, storming forward in front of him. He was consulting with a crowd of boneheads, as he ended his conversation with them, they all fled away, going through to his commands. He then turned round, to see Octavia, who had her brows furrowed, her lips pursed, and her eyes blazing with exasperation. 

"You have some Balls tying my Brother up and stuffing him inside the Dropship." Octavia growled. Wells looked suddenly surprised at Octavia's attitude. Why would he be surprised? You mess with Octavia's Brother, you mess with her, and Visa Versa. 

"Your Brother has some Balls shooting my Father." Wells snarled, crossing his arms at Octavia, who was a few feet shorter then him, but she can sure pack a punch for her size. She was steamed up now, so steamed that her face was red. 

"Look, just tell me who told you my brother shot your father?" She asked, curving her right brow, slanting her posture and placing one of her hands on her hips. Wells looks like he was beginning to get antagonized, as he snorted and rolled both of his eyes, gesturing across the camp towards a girl sitting in the corner of the camp walls, sponging her head with a rag, the water slowly running down her forehead, as a few blood droplets clung to her lips, and other parts of her face. Octavia didn't say another word to Wells, she just shifted her direction towards the girl, and made her way over to her. As Octavia began approaching her, The girl rose her head to meet Octavia's stare of anger. 

"Oh, Hello." the girl chirped, a smile beginning to construct across her face, her brunette hair tied up in a ponytail, and the only clothes she was wearing, was a pair of loose jeans which looked like they barely fit, they clung to her waistline. She had a baggy grey T-shirt on, with a red vest on as well. An old busted up, cracked space helmet sat right by her, and so did the outfit, as it was hung on a clothesline, out to dry. 

"Yeah, Hi...your the new girl who just came down from the Ark, right?" Octavia asked, not wanting to give her an attitude. The girl nodded, extending her right arm out. 

"Yes, indeed! I'm Raven." 

"I'm Octavia." The two shook hands, Octavia shooting a few suspicious glances every now and then as they began to converse. "So, tell me..what condition is the Ark in? Is the Chancellor alright?" Octavia wondered, leaning in to hear Ravens details. 

"The Ark isn't doing alright. They had to close down Arrow station, and Hydra station. Leaving some residents of the other stations without electricity or water..people have been dying from oxygen deprivation..Its been a living hell." raven sighed, shaking her head, squeezing the rag over the pale, squishing out any water droplets that remained. Octavia tilted her head, placing her chin on her hand. 

"Wait...if they were having difficulties, then why didn't they just send people down here?" Octavia inquired. "I mean, they seen that we were doing quite well through their monitors, the wristbands say so." 

"Nope..They think your dead." Raven said plainly, her face stiffening as her lips straightened. "Wells informed me that in process of landing, the Dropship discharged in mid air, causing it to split into two. Once it did that, it must have destroyed most of the machinery on board, resulting in the radios to breaking. So to them, they think your all dead." 

"But what about the wristbands!? Sure, some of them took them off by force, and others by choice. But here is a great bunch still wearing them!" Octavia protested. 

"The wristband signals collapsed also. When the Dropship broke apart, it discharged them, jamming the wristbands signals. So right now, their transmitting to nothing. Luckily, I came down. They needed someone to truly test Earths radiation levels. So I volunteered, anything to see my boyfriend again..hopefully he is here." Raven sighed. Octavia froze up. The Ark thinks that the hundred are dead, all of them. 

"We need a way to contact The Ark! Me and my friend were thinking up some ideas, of a radio of some sort, or flares!" Octavia suggested. 

"When I landed, I was suppose to radio back to The Ark...But I don't know where my pod is, Wells, Alyson and this blonde took me into a cave, to escape a pack of Grounders after me, claiming me 'Their Leader.'..but we can do one of your ideas, I like both of them, so we'll do both." raven assured Octavia. Octavia cracked a smile, forgetting that this was the same girl who informed Wells that Bellamy shot the Chancellor. 

"Great!..How? How will we make either of those!" Octavia disclaimed. 

"For the flares, I suggest we use some Hydrazine and lighter fluid, and a few launchers that'll launch them high enough so the Ark can see. And for the contacting them by radio, we need to go somewhere really high and vacant. This way the transmission can go through. But I need a transmitter first." 

"There is a whole box of supplies in the Dropship." Octavia rose up back on her boots soles. "We can make the flares and radio in there." Raven hitched up as well, her head wound looks like its healing, god knows why it was bleeding, probably from damage from landing. Who knows. Octavia can sense though that she and this girl Raven will be good subtle friends, she senses a greater value in her, a realistic purpose, perhaps a new found friendship.  

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