Chapter 3 Wells

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The girl that Wells had pulled from the forbidden pod, was laid down, leaning against a tree. She was still unconscious, and in a spacesuit. Clarke had a canteen with some water in it, so she sprinkled a few droplets onto the girl, hoping to wake her up. No use, the water merely just streamed down her cheeks. 

"Come on, excuse me-wake up!" Wells sighed, patting the girls cheek with his left palms, hearing a flapping sound each time his palms and her cheeks made contact. 

"No use, I don't see her waking up any time soon...We should bring her back to the Dropship and then maybe she'll be awake by then..." Alyson suggested, her hands still on her hips. Wells glanced up and nodded. Suddenly, there was a sound heard. You could make out the faint sound of loud drum beats and horns being blown, the ominous sounds growing louder and louder. The group just stood there, listening, until Wells received the realization of what those sounds were. 

"War drums." Wells chanted, crouching down to the unconscious girl, picking her body up so she was in his arms. She didn't have such a good landing, there was a chipped area on her forehead, with blood streaming out of it, a concussion Wells supposes. 

"We have to go, now." Clarke said sternly beginning a trek the opposite direction of the war drums followed by Alyson's subtle pants, following behind. 

"No crap, Princess." Alyson muttered followed by a giggle. Clarke didn't laugh, neither did Wells. The Grounders were coming, and they needed to get the hell out of there. 

"What are you Bellamy now?" Clarke grumbles a bit, passing a few line of oak trees, followed by Wells and Alyson, and the unconscious girl nestling in Wells husky arms. Wells felt the wind press on him, as the loud war drums grew louder and louder, they probably were following the smoke trail in the sky also. The group then broke into a run, Clarke in the front, Alyson behind Clarke, and Wells obviously straddling in the back due to him carrying the girl. The sound of horses feet clucking was beginning to be heard, as Wells took a glimpse behind him, to his surprise, catching up quickly, the small outline of the Commander riding the horse forward, followed by hundreds of running Grounders, all after them. Alyson and Clarke both screamed, but Wells didn't, he just kept running, his eyes darting in different directions, searching the perimeter. From the corner of his corneas, he spotted a cave. Rock solid outline, and dark inside. 

"This way!" Wells screamed, running to the side through a canopy of trees, and high grass, out through a field, followed by Clarke and Alyson's loud pants and huffs. Wells heard the horses feet bucking get closer and closer, as he neared the cave. Arrows whizzed by his head, one almost striking him in the skull if he hadn't moved his head in time. He reached the front of the cave, allowing Clarke and Alyson to enter first before him. As he ran in, he felt the breath of the commander, right behind him. She tried to grab him, but he broke free, continuing to run, hearing her screaming voice fading behind. 

"Come back here with our leader!" The commander screamed, as Wells disappeared in the cave, not understanding what she meant by 'Leader,' but Wells didn't honestly care. As long as he and his friends were out of the Grounders way, they'll be safe in this cave for now. 


The three were huffing for air, all worn out from their run into the cave. Wells held the unconscious girl, while Alyson managed to spark a torch, so they can navigate themselves through the cave. Wells sat the girl down, leaning her against the stone walls, As he applied pressure to the blow to her head, dried up blood coating it firmly. Wells noticed from his cornea slips, one of the girls eyes begin to open slowly, then her other one as she grumbled lowly. Clarke and Alyson both crouched down aside Wells, huddling in front of the girl. 

"Wh-Where am I?" She asked, rubbing her head, as she blinked a few times ominously, scratching her neck, eyeing Wells. Wells cracked a smile, not caring that they were in a fatal situation, he grabbed her hands and gave her a squeeze. 

"Welcome to Earth." He smiled. The girl half smiled, her eyes widening. 

"Whoa...I-I made it? This is Earth?" She then fully smiled, glancing around at the various pebbles and stones in the cave. "I-I...I can't believe it." 

"We couldn't believe it either." Clarke also smiled, moving a lock of blonde hair from her bright blue eyes. "What is your name?" 

"Raven." The girl replied, not noticing the blow to her head. "I am here to look for my boyfriend...His name is Finn...I-Is he here? Do you know him!?"

"Yeah...We do." Wells face went grim, even if Finn was still alive. The last trace they had on him was when Dane informed Clarke that he went out to look for Octavia with some others, that was three or four days ago. 

"Great." The girl replied, her smile widened as much as possible. Wells found it odd how she didn't ask questions, like why were they in a cave, why was she moved, where is the rest of the hundred? Maybe the girl wasn't worried about all that, maybe the girl was just so happy to be home, she ignored that. Raven was happy. Wells saw it in her eyes. But everyone's smile quickly snapped away, once you heard treacherous high pitched war cries being screamed from down the hallway. Everyone stared down the cave corridors. 

"I-Is that the rest of the hundred?" Raven asked, curiously, helping herself up, Alyson assisting her once she saw Ravens small struggle. 

"No..Not the hundred...We'll explain later..." Wells said, before walking forward, everyone following him, into the abyss. 

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