Chapter 20: What Dreams May Come

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Woo hoo!! Broncos won!! (you can't see it, but I'm currently doing a happy dance) lol

Hey, I'm a Colorado girl, I have celebrate! :) And hey, my celebration means you all get the next chapter a couple days early since I got energized to finish it up. 

Also, I just wanted mention that this chapter has a few more references to Dragon Touched (aka Something New),  so if you haven't read that one, you might want to. It's not necessary since Scarred is a stand alone, but there's a few things that might be more intriguing/fun if you do. :)

Anywho - Thank you everybody and enjoy the next chapter of Scarred!


Michael sighed and rubbed his temples. While Keisha's and Smythson's proposal wasn't completely unexpected, he also knew it was going to cause trouble.

Trouble, he mentally snorted at himself. I will count myself blessed if we don't end up at war. Their proposal is well constructed and the plans for implementation well crafted, but attempting to join vampires and shifters will bring many against us on both sides. Some will fear the perceived loss of their position, some still fear that the other side will betray them, and some will merely see this as an opportunity to remove people like myself and seize power.

Of course, his internal voice argued back, it will also bring you powerful allies. Additionally, based on Keisha's and Smythson's experiments with this to date, the joint force is considerably more potent than a single species force on either side.

Michael sighed again, already knowing that despite the darkness to come, his support was a given. Not only would his own conscience and his responsibilities to Jason, Elijah, Harriet and soon Misha not allow him to do otherwise, but knowing that Dragon Touched were involved meant he would be foolish indeed to refuse.

He'd only been half surprised to discover their presence when he read the additional files Keisha had included for his benefit. He'd already known the draconic blood was meant as a message as well as a gift, though direct confirmation was appreciated. The particulars of their confrontation had been quite fascinating and a bit disturbing considering he was finding himself in the midst of a similar cross species gathering. He even had a Fae leader at play, just as they had, the only difference being theirs was a Sidhe and his was Unsleir.

About the only thing missing is a Dragon Touched and the direct presentation of an enemy. Of course with the warning Aaron passed along, that might not be entirely accurate. Michael frowned at the thought. His time table on identifying the puppet master of that situation had just been moved up drastically.

The danger to Lucienne is growing considerably larger than I originally believed as well, he realized, standing up to look out the large window at his grounds in agitation. He frowned while he stared, unseeing, at the picturesque scene.

It has become necessary to convince her to move here sooner than I had originally intended. I had wished to allow that step to occur naturally but it isn't possible to properly secure her apartment building given this new level of danger.

I can still grant her space, he thought to himself while planning the best approach. I can give her a separate room, or even a separate house on the grounds if she desires.

"Michael?" Lucienne's voice startled him, breaking him out of his thoughts. He'd been so focused he'd missed not only her approach to his office, but apparently the opening of his door as well. He smiled at her in welcome, though mentally he berated himself for his inattention. She stepped through the door, closing it behind her before approaching him.

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