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Hosptial Garden. DECEMBER 1.  Lost track of time.

**Althea's POV.**

"Jade." I repeated her name as she nestled me in her arms. That's probably the last word I hear before I die. It's a beautiful name. I held onto her tightly with my eyes closed, Iistening to her calm heartbeat. None of us were moving, we were just waiting for the end to come. Every second felt like an eternity while a flock of fighter planes seamlessly flew above us. Each time they'd get close, I'd think of my loved ones and hold onto Jade tighter as if it's the safest place in the world. I wasn't afraid anymore. I am at peace in her arms. 

The noise from the plane engines filled the air with terror and uncertainty. After a few minutes (which seemed like years), the loud sound started to recede until all that was heard was the gentle sound of rustling leaves in the wind. My face was still buried in Jade's neck when I felt her hand gently pat my back. 

"Althea.." She said, in her calm voice. "It's okay."

I opened my eyes and remembered where I was..

A patch of sunflowers ...  potted plants at the side... grass beneath my feet... 

The garden. 

We're alive. 

It wasn't an air raid. False alarm.

Jade looked at me. I smiled at her and broke into laughter. I couldn't help it, I'm just so happy we're alive! Jade let out a small smile herself. Within a few seconds, we heard footsteps and squeaking wheels coming from the building. They must've left the basement and started to bring the patients back to their rooms. Jade went back to her serious self.

 I shook my head and smiled at Jade.

"Don't mind them, where do you want to go?"  I remembered my "deal" with her.

"Are you not going to get in trouble for this?" Jade asked worriedly.

"We've been through enough trouble for one day already, what difference does it make?"  I shrugged my shoulders. I know I should be the more responsible one.. but what the heck! What if the planes come back and burn the whole place to the ground? I have to keep my word before any of that happens!

"Don't worry, you're with me and I promised remember?.. So where to Jade?.. Tell me, anywhere you want to go!"  I boasted. 

Jade's eyes turned a more vibrant brown. "Take me around the hospital, the other side!.. and I want to see the rooftop... and the basement, and... your house!"  

"Wha-?"  I was caught offguard. I looked at Jade to check if she's joking but nope.. she's not. Her pretty brown orbs look so hopeful.

"You said anywhere, Althea." Since we met this morning, Jade's eyes either looked ice cold or child like. This time, she looked at me like a pleading 5 year old.

I took a deep breath for the nth time since I started my shift and gave in to her request. This day is definitley one for the books.

"Alright." I smiled in resignation. "Let's go!"  

 We were not allowed to take the patients to the rooftop, it's off limits even for some hospital personnel like me. More so, we were not allowed to take them home with us, it's against hospital rules. Good thing my house is just across the street, at least I can get her back to the ward in no time. Ugh! Why is it so hard to break a promise? Joining Girl Scouts in elementary school was a bad idea!


The Garden 2


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