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The Dark Woods. Late December.

****Althea's POV.******


My days with Jade can only be described as pure bliss. The hidden tree house in the woods provided a safe haven for both of us, a place where we can freely be together, far from the dangers beyond the trees and the bitterness of war. Everyday I spend with her is filled with happiness and wonder and I could not ask for more.

They say the best way to truly know a person is to live with them, and I couldn't agree more. For instance, I found out that Jade's an early riser and she loves to experiment with food. I've already tried Five different oatmeal recipes since I got here, and may I say that my girlfriend is an excellent cook! - considering she grew up without any experience in the kitchen. Jade would definitely make a good wife someday which makes me sigh just thinking about it. I can just imagine our life together without the war. 

I'm surprised to know that Jade's quite domesticated for a Consul's daughter. I'm a bit concerned though 'cause she tires herself all day with cleaning the house and gardening, sleeps late to wait for me and wakes up early to prepare our breakfast. I offered to do the cooking, but she insisted to do it. She reasoned she wants to make sure I eat healthy before I leave in the morning. 

I visit Tent City to volunteer and to take care of Ate Linda, who's slightly doing better now which is great. I stay with her in the morning and sneak out from the camp at night to go home to Jade. Ate Linda was overjoyed when I told her I found Jade, she said she can't wait to see her soon. Still, no one knows where Jade was hiding. I haven't told anyone... not even Ate Linda, which she understands. By the way, I haven't seen Joy anywhere at the refugee camp. Ate Linda mentioned Joy hasn't visited her for a while either. 

So going back, every morning when I wake up, food is already served in the dining table, along with a fresh glass of water fetched from the well - I finally found out how Jade keeps the water chilled, there's a well in the yard, just a few steps away from the house.

Today's breakfast is oatmeal with fresh tomatoes. I know it sounds weird but I like it. Jade even handpick the tomatoes from the garden this morning. I was watching her through my bedroom window and I couldn't help but admire my girlfriend from afar while her sillhouette glowed under the soft sunlight. 

Thankfulky, She lets me wash the dishes. At least I don't feel like a total free loader. Sometimes I also help her mop the floor or dust the furniture before I leave. After finishing household chores, Jade spends the rest of her day gardening. The lush garden was the house caretaker's, but no one was home when Jade found the house, so she took over the garden.

Much to her delight, Jade found a giant bag of rolled oats, canned goods, and preserved fruits stored in the pantry when she got here. That's where we get our food from plus the veggies and fruits we harvest from the garden. Another cool thing I found out about the house is that it's actually solar powered. Jade's Dad was quite the environmentalist. Thanks to him, we can use the electric stove to cook our meals and the lamp to light the place at night. We just need to make sure that the curtains securely covered the windows so the lights won't draw any attention.


It was late at night and I was tired. One of the volunteers accused me of stealing her crackers which is not true. Why would I steal a cracker when I have oatmeal cookies Jade baked for me this morning? To make the long story short, me and the other girl had an exchange of "colorful words" so both of us were called out by the Head Nurse. Aside from that, the other volunteers sided with the other girl which really irked me. Now they're going to assign me at night and the other girl will retain her morning shift to separate us. 

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