Thank You

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"We often take for granted the very things that deserve our gratitude." 

Got the quote from Cynthia Ozick and I couldn't agree more. 

I would like to thank you for inspiring me to write. :)

I know the story can be slow and confusing sometimes, and I have these "filler notes" from time to time when I bady want to update but just don't know how to start, and so I could let you know I'm still alive and will not leave you hanging wondering where Jade buys the prepaid card she uses to call Althea... and if Althea was ever tempted to eat the candy bar in her pocket when she's hungry and alone at night... how long she has kept it there...and how come it doesn't melt?

I think of stories in my head all the time but never dared to write anything until this one because words were never my forte'. This short note probably took days for me to finish while I'm thinking of the next chapter. Lol. 

So thank you for your patience, for your comments, your likes and for reading my story. Thank you so much! :)


P.S. May I share a bit about our culture and language in the Philippines to our foreign friends out there? These are some used in the story. :)

Tatay or 'Tay - Father 

Nanay or 'Nay - Mother 

Ate as in "Ate Linda" - Ate means big sister but it can also be used for an older female peer.

Jeepney - a popular form of public transportation, it's like a bus converted from a jeep with twin benches (one on each side), can seat a dozen passengers but is usually overcrowded. *not in this story though :)

Tricycle-  common means of public transportation, normally seats 4 passengers but with a little resourcefulness and creativity, can magically seat 9-10 people or more. Lol. It's usually found in rural areas and small towns.

Ube (ube cake) - Purple yam / purple yam cake. 

Why "San Martin" ? -  The country was colonized by Spain a long time ago and some of their words were infused in our language, some are even used as is. They named a lot of towns / places in the country after the saints.


Got the next chapter cooking.. See 'ya soon! :)

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