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The Dunes - Tent City. San Martin. 

**Althea's POV.


I turned around and froze.

I dropped the tree branch and let it fall to the ground.

It was...


I said it once and stood there with my mouth agape. The ghost of my mother stood on top of a small hill near the dunes. Suddenly the whole place was icy cold. The image pointed a finger to the trees a few meters away from the hill. 

Then in a blink of an eye, she disappeared in the night. 

I shuddered.

When I turned around, my brother was gone. The grass rustled in the dark as he ran away from the scene. I sat on the ground and found the tree branch, realizing what almost happened if I haven't seen the apparition.

I almost killed my brother...

I felt a pang in my heart. 

The adrenaline was wearing off and I felt sore all over, especially in my left shoulder. My head throbbed and I fell to the ground. But before I completely lose consciousness, I took out the necklace from my pocket and sensed the cold pendant on my palm. 

This cursed piece of jewelry caused nothing but trouble in my life. It burdened Jade and it haunted me. And now it's driving my brother mad.

I gave the dove necklace a good look and threw it as far as I could... into the dark. 

Then I collapsed.


I was spent. 

My body felt light but I couldn't open my eyes. 


My heart quivered upon hearing the voice. 

"Jade..." I whispered her name.

Her soft lips tenderly kissed my forehead.

"Wake up. " 

"I can't." I said honestly. My whole body ached. If I had the energy, then I would've stood up in a heartbeat so I can hold her close like I desperately wanted.

"Yes you can!" 

Jade's scent pervaded my senses. She smelled of sweet jasmine and roses, bringing back fond memories of our time together. I missed her so much.

Electricity coursed through my skin as Jade touched my face.

"Jade, stay with me." I pleaded.

She slowly ran her fingers through my hair and my heart fluttered.

"Althea.. promise me you'll remember me. I'm leaving you my necklace, keep it safe."

Alarmed with her reply, I forced my eyes to open and succeeded. My adrenal glands must've been working over time 'cause I was standing up and walking within seconds.

I recognized the place right away. We were in the deserted town in my dream. The sky was depressingly gray and a thick mist surrounded the area. It was so cold yet the place was covered in flames. Weird.

"Where are you going?"  I asked apprehensively.

Jade was walking barefoot towards an old mossy fountain surrounded by fire. 

"Promise me!"  She glanced at me despondently.

Confused and scared, I nodded. 

"I promise."  

Hunting for Shadows (JaThea Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz