Pt 2

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"Jaden! Hurry up!" Me, Amaria, and Sebastian yelled. Jaden was taking the longest time just to find a pair of shoes.

Lord please save her for me do this one favor for me

My phone started ringing. The caller ID read Nadia

"Hello." I answered it.

"Riv where the heck are you? We've been waiting for almost an hour." Nadia said angrily.

"We're on our way." I said as jaden walked out with some shoes on, finally.

"Coo. Bye." Nadia hung up.

"Jaden I should smack all the crap outta you." I rolled my eyes and walked to my car.

"Calm down." He said

"Shut up. All of y'all!" Amaria yelled. "Y'all making my head hurt."

"Your head always hurting babe." Seb said to Amaria.

I pulled off from Jay and Seb house.

The car ride was really really quiet


We finally pulled in front of my house.

"Get ya booties out my car." I jokingly said. We went to my door and opened it with my keys.

"Hey everyone!" I said I walked in

Nadia was slumped on my couch with her legs in the air and her head semi hanging to the ground, snoring. Noah was sitting up, sleep with Eva slumped over him also sleep. Malak was on the floor next to Drew and Ben was sprawled over Maressah. Jamya and Makayla were laying down with their phones in their hands looking as if they were texting someone.

"This is too funny." River said laughing. She snapped a pic and posted it on Instagram.

"Squad for life."

Sorry guys. School ha been really stressful but I got it under control and will start updating Wednesdays, Fridays, and weekends

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