Choosing the dancers.

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" Right okay we've chosen the dancers that will be coming with us on tour " Ariana's voice raised higher in every word. The dancers we're all so nervous incase they were even chose, or not. But either way they knew they could be one of the chosen ones. " Right so we've chosen... " Ariana says all the names that have been chosen. She stops, and Ricky stares up because he wasn't chosen. He put one of those cute sad faces on. Then, Ariana shouted " and last but not least... Ricky Alvarez!! " he looks at her in some kind of confusing way, then realizes he was chosen. He runs towards all of them and says thank you. " Congrats crasher" Ariana giggles. Scott, Scooter and Brian looks at her in a weird way. " Inside joke.. " she rolls her eyes and laughs. " Right so gather up chosen ones! ".All the dancers came towards her and gathered up in a circle. Ariana told them what they had to do, but Scott and Brian said they would be their personal trainers before the tour starts in a couple of weeks.
In about half an hour, Ariana was getting ready to leave back to her house, and the choosed dancers were going back with her to the house. The cab came to pick them up again, but there was more room in this one. They all grabbed their stuff and went into the cab, and the driver drove back to her house.
They arrived in the house and Ariana lead them inside and introduces them to her mother, Joan. They sit down and talk a little, and Ariana gets a text. She stares at the text, and everyone says her name but she wouldn't answer. So she ran upstairs and locked herself in her bedroom. " I'll go see if she's alright. I'll be back " Ricky says as he runs upstairs. He banged the door really loudly and whispered " Ariana what's wrong? " there was so answer. " Ariana please open the door " he shouts. Still, not a word from Ariana.

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