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           The three went to the arena for rehearsals, they walked in and all of the crew was there. " yo we back " Brian says walking in. " Heyy " Nekai says as she dances to the music. Ariana and the other two just go backstage quickly so she can go to her dressing room to drop things off. She was sitting down on a chair, and her hair was on one side of her shoulder. Brian came into her dressing room, and sat down next to her, when he noticed something on her neck. " what's that on your neck Ariana?" He asks. She covers it up  quickly. " Ariana. I saw it. Now what is it? " she quickly stands up. " it's a bruise " he turned his back and turned around with his hand on his head. "And how?.." He asked. " it doesn't matter. let's go " she turns around and walks sassily to the stage.
       The dancers get into their places and Ariana gets to the front and tests the songs. She sings and stops. Then carries on with the rehearsal. It was 4pm and the meet and greet's were starting in an hour. She got ready backstage, and put her makeup on.
She sings quietly and Ricky walks in. "Hey Ari " he smiles. " Hey " she says and sighs. " anything wrong beautiful?" He goes up to her and sits on a chair. "no, nothing " she says. He gives her a kiss on her cheek and goes to pratice the dance again with the others. She stayed there and got ready till 5.
       She hugged Ricky before she left for the meet and greets, and some of the crew were watching. " Love you " she whispers. " Love you too " he smiles and waited till she had finished the meet and greet.
        After about three hours the show had finished and they all thanked chicago. " That was a great show Ariana" Scott said. " Thanks! " she ran away off backstage and sat on the sofa. " Are you okay? " Nekai asks and sits down with her. " Yea, why wouldn't I be? " she asked. " Well. Brian told me you uhm, had a bruise on your neck?" Ariana turns around towards her and looks her in the eyes. " it's nothing bad Nekai " she says. " well what is it then?" Ariana turns around to see who's in the room and no one was there, so she went on and told her. " it's a..'s a hickey okay? " she giggles. "Whatt? Oh my god who! " she asks. "Well... Him " she quietly says as she points towards Ricky. "Cuties" she says. "Shh!" She laughs and playfully slaps her.

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