Honeymoon Diaries.

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When they got back to their huge hotel apartment, they played a little game of truth or dare. Ariana was upstairs getting ready to film the first honeymoon diary. They decided to ask Ricky it first. " Ricky, truth or dare? " Ricky thought for a while ' with these guys here anything bad could happen with the both.. ' so he just went along with it and chose. " I choose dare.. " Ricky says nervously. " Okay, We all dare you to... " They all slightly giggle before Brian says anything. " To?.. " Ricky replies. " To sleep in Ari's bedroom with her tonight. " Ricky couldn't say no to this one, even though his heart was pounding like crazy. "Ugh. Fine! You'll get your revenge " He says towards everyone of them.
Ricky heads upstairs and knocks on Ari's door. " Can I come in? " he asks. " Sure, come on " She replies. Ricky walks in and sits down with her. " Okay, I need to sleep here tonight.. "
Ricky says, Ari lets out a little giggle and blushes a little. Ricky stares at her. " Oh, wait, you're serious? " he looks him in the eye. " Yes I am, The crew dared me and I don't wanna be a wussy so I said yes. " he laughs and lays down on the bed staring at the ceiling. " Fine, you can sleep here. Now go get your stuff I need to start on my honeymoon tour diary " she says. He gets his stuff while Ariana reaches her laptop from under the bed, and her phone to film. She hears someone passing, it was Brian. " have fun tonight " He winks. "FUCK YOU BRIAN " she laughs and throws a pillow at him. After a while Ricky comes back, with the pillow.
" needed this? " he comes in, closing the door after himself. " Yes ha, sit down " he sits down on the bed next to her while she puts the camera in the place getting ready to record. " Okay Ricky imma record now, If you wanna jump in then just do it " she laughs.
' Hey guys, so we just came back from the arena a while ago and we are now in our hotel. This first show was amazing '
She started talking more about the day and how it was been. Then she moved on to the breakup.
' So I know you guys don't know but I've been a bit upset lately, I broke up with Sean and shit has been happening.  Im not sad about the break up. I'm glad I broke up with him and I'm glad that shit's done ' she says, with Ricky interrupting her. " Woo Ari, dats some cold shiz " he says making her laugh. She finishes the diary and uploads it.
After a while, she shuts her laptop down and lays down on the bed with Ricky, putting their heads on the wall, talking about stuff. " Did you like tonight's concert? " Ariana asks. " Yes, it was so fun " he smiles. They talk about the honeymoon tour for a while and stop. She brings something about Sean up. " You don't know why I'm glad that we broke up, do you? " she says and Ricky stares at her. " No, what is it? " he asks. " I'll tell you tomorrow or sometime.. I can't right n- " she cuts herself off by crying. " Ariana don't cry babe " Ricky says, pulling her in for a hug. " Oh wait and I'm sorry for calling you a babe " he says again, laughing. He hugs her tightly with his muscular arms and tells her everything's gonna be alright. After a couple of minutes they both fall asleep, in eachother's arms.

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