You're gonna be alright..

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         Ricky kept hitting and hitting the door trying to get Ari's attention. " Ari please! " he says as he sighs. A minute later Ariana comes to the door with tears running down her face, and her mascara was everywhere. " Ariana, whats wrong? " he grabs her hand and takes her to sit down on the bed to talk about it. " What's wrong? " he worries. " Well my ex; Big Sean broke up with me a month ago.. But he just texted me this.. " she shows him the text message. " wow.. What? And he didn't even tell you before you broke up? That's just.."
Ari puts her head down and Ricky lifts it up. " Chin up Ari, your cat ears are falling " he says, staring into her eyes, " You'll be alright okay. I'm always here for you, I know we just met today but we have a whole lot of months together now, the tour and so on. If you need anything, I'm here. " he says, again. " Oh my god, thanks so much Ricky.. " he hugs her and they talk a bit more. " What about I take you out tonight, for dinner, will that make you happy?" He says. She nods her head yes, while Ricky wipes her tears of her face, getting a cloth to wipe off her mascara that's half way down her face. They go back downstairs, and everyone was waiting but also worried for Ariana. " hey, she's back! " scott shouts. She sits down and Ricky sits next to her. Ariana covers her face with her hands, and puts her elbows on the top of her thighs, she was still so mad about what Sean texted her. Ricky puts his hand around her, and whispers everythings gonna be okay.
          After a couple of hours Ariana was feeling a bit better. She was cheered up by all the new crew. They had finished with the meeting and they were bored as hell, they didn't know what to do. They played cards against humanity and Ricky budged Ari. " Let's go,  I've booked a reservation for 7 " He whispered. They walked towards the door and Ari had her purse, " Don't take your purse. I'll pay " Ricky says.
" Where you guys going? " Brian says laughing, looking at the new crew suspiciously. " I'm taking her out for dinner to cheer her up " Ricky smiles.
" have fun, we'll be here " Brian shouts happily.

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