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patrickstump : are any of you guys awake ?

petewentz : i am now

petewentz : wait a minute it is 2 am

patrickstump : yeah i know

petewentz : why are you up

patrickstump : i can't sleep so i figured I'd talk to you guys but apparently your the only one awake

petewentz : you're **

patrickstump : really , was that necessary ?

petewentz : good grammar is always necessary

petewentz : i am the grammar police

patrickstump : okay then

petewentz : what do you wanna talk about ?

patrickstump : i don't know

petewentz : hm

petewentz : what did you think of Brendon and dallon

patrickstump : they are nice

patrickstump : are they together ?

patrickstump : like together together ?

petewentz : as in dating ?

patrickstump : yeah

petewentz : no

petewentz : their humor is very flirty around each other though

petewentz : they have known each other for a while now so they are very comfortable around each other

patrickstump : oh

petewentz : but Brendon and dallon are both bisexual

patrickstump : oh okay

petewentz : is something wrong ?

patrickstump : nope

patrickstump : i have to talk to you and the guys tomorrow

petewentz : you can tell me now

patrickstump : no

petewentz : okay

patrickstump : i wanna tell talk about something important tomorrow

petewentz : okay

patrickstump : thank you for talking to me at 2 am

petewentz : anything for my pal


a / n : what will patrick talk about ??
and brallon might have a chance to become cannon

the internet » peterick ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora