thirty - two

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time skip to a week before prom (so about two weeks later)

every single day for the past two weeks patrick has gotten a note from his 'secret admirer'. he has a stash of them under his bed at his house.

he was walking to his locker and when he opened it another note fell out.

dear patrick,

i know you've been wondering who i am
so i was wondering if you would want to go to prom with me?
(ps I'll be telling you more about myself this upcoming week)

- your secret admirer

at first patrick was going to say no because he had absolutely no idea who this was but once he read the ps at the bottom of the note, he decided that he would let his 'secret admirer' introduce themselves.

- Monday -

dear patrick,

you've met me before and we've talked.
i am in your grade and we have a couple of classes together.

- your secret admirer

- Tuesday -

dear patrick,

I've known you for a while now.
i have black hair and brown eyes.

- your secret admirer

- Wednesday -

dear patrick,

i love sports and my favorite sport is soccer.

- your secret admirer

- Thursday -

dear patrick,

I've said pretty much everything you need to know about me.

- your secret admirer

- Friday -

dear patrick,

i hope you've made up your mind and want to go to prom with me.
if you do then meet at the front of the school tomorrow.

- your secret admirer

patrick was excited. he decided that he would to go to prom with his secret admirer. since prom was tomorrow he had get everything ready so he could finally meet his secret admirer.


so his secret admirer has introduced himself and patrick will get to meet him tomorrow

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