character answers

418 23 22


Q1: YOOOOOOO what do you think of mikey?
A1: he's okay; not the nicest person

Q2: You're adorable, you know that?
A2: well now i do, thanks :)

Q3: Will you keep letting Mikey control you?! Also you are too cute
A3: hopefully not and thank you

Q4: What's yo favorite food?
A4: spaghetti or chicken

Q5: Do you have anything against Mikey bc of what he did?
A5: i don't really have anything against him, i just don't think that he's a good person

Q6: How can you be so cute?
A6: ask my parents

Q7: What happened during lunch?
A7: nothing really

Q8: Would you run away with pete if you could?
A8: i don't know, I'd miss everyone at home but it'd be nice to get away from everything for a little while

Q9: Why would you lie and say nothing happened during lunch to someone that asks you about it? You know you can tell them anything.
A9: i just didn't really want to talk about it; i know i can tell them anything because i trust them

Q10: What's your favorite show? Who's your favorite character from said show?
A10: probably supernatural, pete and i recently started watching it and it's so addicting and my favorite character would probably have to be Sam


Q1: Hello yes I love your hair and you and yes
A1: hello yes thank you

Q2: Hello son, when did you and Andy start dating?
A2: hello parent and almost a month ago

Q3: Joe! Can I please have that amazing afro?
A3: maybe we can share it

Q4: Have you done the do with Andy yet?
A4: we want to wait until we're married

Q5: Do you realize how perfect you are?
A5: yes, Andy reminds me everyday

Q6: What's your favorite thing about Andy?
A6: how do i choose just one?

Q7: Gay
A7: partly correct

Q8: What magic did you use for that wonderful hair of yours?
A8: it's all natural baby

Q9: Would u be willing to give up Andy for weed or vice versa? (also hi I'm trohley ur's and andy's lovechild)
A9: maybe if it's the good kind
i'm kidding but yes i would definitely give up weed for Andy
hello child


Q1: If Mikey was better what would you think of him?
A1: we would probably most likely be friends

Q2: Why r u so emo?
A2: it's a lifestyle

Q3: How will you stop Mikey's evil plans?
A3: honestly i don't know but when i do, he's never gonna mess with patrick again

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