twenty - four

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the next day patrick woke up to the sound of knocking on his door. his parents had gone to work and his siblings were away at college so he was home alone.

he got up and slumped to the door. when he opened the door he did not expect to be face to face with pete wentz. " what are you doing here?"

" we need to talk. so go and get dressed and come back in ten minutes." pete said. " what if i don't want to talk to you?" patrick said.

" you don't have to talk, just have to listen." patrick had nothing to better to do so he agreed and went to go get dressed. he threw on black pants and a red tee shirt and paired it with his black cardigan and out on his glasses.

" ready to go?" pete asked when he came back.

" go?" patrick was confused.

pete nodded. " come with me." patrick was hesitant but he followed pete out to his car. " get in."

" where are we going?" patrick asked.

" it's a surprise." pete chuckled.


after about ten minutes of driving pete parked. " are we there?" patrick asked.

pete shook his head, " not yet. follow me." patrick nodded.

a couple of minutes later and pete spoke up. " we're here."

patrick looked around. at first all he saw was grass until he looked up. he saw a treehouse. (a/n: i love treehouses)

" where are we?" patrick asked.

" a secret passageway from the walk of the park." pete replied. " my dad had this built a for me a long time ago but i don't visit here very often so it's been forgotten about."

" well why am i here?" patrick asked.

" come up here." pete said pointing at the top of the treehouse.

patrick took a deep breath and climbed up to the treehouse.

" let's talk." pete said, once they were both at the top. " i'm sorry for ditching you at brendon's party. brendon wanted to show me something outside and i thought i would go then be back before you got back."'

pete took a breath, " but when i came back i couldn't find you so eventually i gave up." i was invited to play some stupid party game and i got drunk. everything after that was a blur."

" so you don't remember anything that happened while you were drunk?" pete shook his head. " oh." patrick said looking down at the ground.

" what happened while i was drunk?" pete asked after noticing that patrick looked sad after he had said that he didn't remember anything.

patrick was silent for a moment. " i offered to take you home but you refused.  then you invited me to play seven minutes in heaven and when i said no you and some other guys pushed me and some random girl into the closet. luckily she was really nice and agreed not to do anything cause she noticed that i was uncomfortable. after that you were about to make me play again but i was able to slip away and i walked home in the snow."

pete was silent. " i didn't know. i'm sorry." he apologized. he pulled patrick into a hug and he could feel tears rolling down patrick's face cause they were hitting his back lightly.

" and i've been avoiding you ever since." pete rubbed patrick's back and soothed him as he let out small sniffles.

" next time you say that you don't want to go to brendon's party, don't let me talk you into going." pete said once patrick dried his eyes.

" so we're good now?" pete asked and patrick nodded.

" yeah." patrick smiled.


a/n: it's 1am and my fingers hurt but i wanted to give you guys a chapter so here ya go
also I've been working on a joshler book ,, and it should be out soon so keep a heads up for that

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