thirty - eight

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pete wanted to come out to everyone at school but patrick was hesitant about it. pete didn't care about what people thought about him but patrick was nervous.

he didn't want to get bullied for dating pete so they both agreed to keep it on the down low for now but outside of school was different.

they could be the gayest gays and didn't worry about getting picked on but they had to be careful to make sure no one from school saw them but all of their closest friends knew.

patrick and pete were sitting on a hill together, having a picnic. it was a nice day and the sun was shining and there was a light breeze. pete breathed in, perfect.

" what a perfect day to spend with a perfect person." pete said and patrick giggled.

patrick and pete have been dating for about two weeks now and everything has been going great.

pete and patrick's phone dinged indicating that they both got a text. they both pulled their phones out of their pocket so they could read the text.

brendonurie : yo its been a while since my last party so I'm having another one this Friday

pete looked up at patrick, " we don't have to go if you don't want to."

" um just give me some time to think about it." patrick whispered.

" ok." pete nodded.


since they finished their picnic and were done packing up all the things and they were now on their way back to pete's house.

when they got there pete ran out to open the passenger door for patrick.

" thank you." pete smiled.

patrick followed pete inside and then they sat on the couch. " want to watch a movie?" pete asked.

patrick nodded, " what movie?"

" um, high school musical?" pete asked.

patrick sighed. " we've already watched it twelve times in the past three days."

" the more the merrier, right?"

" that's about people but okay." patrick said.

" yeah but its my favorite series." pete gave patrick his best puppy dog eyes.

" put it in." patrick finally agreed so pete got up and put it in.

it was quiet until the movie started up. pete has watched it so many times that he memorized the full script so he was saying it word for word.

when the start of something new came on pete started to sing it badly, on purpose, and patrick was in a fit of giggles.

" i'm hilarious, i know." pete said.

" ha ha ha very funny." patrick laughed sarcastically.

" you still love me right?" pete asked.

patrick froze up. " u-uh what?"

" it was a joke." patrick let out a sigh of relief.

" what's wrong with me asking if you love me?" pete asked.

" well um," patrick started.

" are you breaking up with me?" pete asked.

" no. no, it just that well we haven't been together for that long and i want to take it slow and steady for right now." patrick sighed.

" oh. i totally get where your coming from." pete said. " i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything."

" it's okay." patrick said and pete pulled him in for a hug.

" i like having you as my boyfriend." pete said.

" me too." patrick smiled. " i like having you as my boyfriend not having myself as a boyfriend cause that'd be weird."

pete chuckled. " i know what you meant."

pete and patrick then both cuddled as they watched the three high school musical movies.

okay this chapter may seem longer but it's not actually
i am trash for HSM so i had to add it
also tysm for 4K reads!!

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