Carnophobia || Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

❝And this is the bane of my existence, the fitness gym!❞ Matt pointed towards a large room filled with deadly looking machines and a fake look of terror plastered to his face, he laughed and lightly punched Nate's arm.

❝C'mon my friend from the Stone Age let me show you the greatest thing to ever exist.❞

Nate cocked his head confused but followed the male trusting him. Matt watched Nate studied all his surroundings taking it all in like he'd never seen anything so beautiful yet so terrifying. The carnophobic caught Matt staring and smiled.

❝You get to come here everyday!❞ Nate exclaimed. Matt didn't see what was so great about but the 'cannibal' seemed happy.
❝Yeah and it's hell,❞ He told Nate laughing.

The theorist took the carnophobic to the canteen. He smirked and lead Nate up to the line where there were many people. A few of them were from Nate's history class and sniggered when they saw him.
❝Can't deal with one photo of a cannibal how pathetic.❞

Matt glared at them and shoved past. He swiped his card on the machine ordering something Nate couldn't hear.

He came back with a cookie in his hand, Matt grinned at Nate and bit into it.
❝You want a bit Nate?❞
He held it out to Nate who took a bite out of the cookie from Matt's hand causing the taller (?) male to blush slightly.

❝Thanks Matpat, what was that?❞ He asked looking up from Matt's hand with a small grin on his face, he saw the blush on the theorist face.

❝You've seriously never had a cookie before?❞ He traced Nate's face for any signs of him joking however he was deadly serious and Matt sighed and put an arm over his friend, not caring that everyone in the canteen was watching them including, Stephanie who was carrying a roll wrapped in paper. She looked at the two male's catching Matt's eyes and smirked before running out of the canteen to find Kayla and Jason.

❝I usually only eat strawberries I think they're called...❞ He glanced nervously at Matt afraid he would get annoyed but instead the theorist sighed and face palmed laughing slightly.

❝Hey, you doing anything Friday night? I mean we usually go to Kayla's and play video games, we could teach you a little more and you could get more cookies. Only if you want though.❞

❝YEAH! I mean yeah that'd be fun... was I too over the top?❞

Matt chuckled at Nate's enthusiasm and shook his head. ❝Nah it's good to know you're coming. It'll be great fun, you and me are having a show down on Smash Bros, I'll show you how to play.❞

The two males were just away to sit down when the bell went off again, telling them break was over. Matt took Nate's timetable and checked it for him.
❝We both have english what luck and Stephanie is also in our class but Jason and Kayla have math.❞

The trip to the english classroom felt shorter then usual as the two boys kept up conversation on the way there. Nate asked why Matt's face had turned red in the canteen and Matt had sharply changed the subject.

Mrs. Brown opened the door to the classroom, the two fell in laughing.
❝You fell then farted and slid across the ground and couldn't get up it was beautiful,❞ Matt laughed wiping a tear from his eye.

Mrs. Brown sighed at the carnophobic and the theorist before putting a hand on Nate's shoulder.
❝You must be the new student Nathan Sharp correct?❞
❝It's just Nate,❞ Nate muttered for the second time that day. Mrs. Brown released Nate from her grip and shoved him in the direction of the free seat across from Matt and Stephanie. He sat down and pulled a face in Matt and Stephanie's direction. Matt hadn't recovered from the falling incident and Stephanie let out a laugh seeing Nate stupidity, they all had grown to see the male as a friend.

❝Alright class I know how much you love creative writing so we're going to be doing a block on creative writing, so all start planning out your story.❞

Stephanie rose from her sheet and picked up three jotters, a new one and two used ones. She put two down on her and Matt's desk and one on Nate's. ❝You'll need this to do work not that I'd judge you if you didn't want to.❞ She laughed and sat down sending Nate a friendly smile, her and Matt went back to talking. When Nate realised he didn't have his bag.

❝Mrs... uh...,❞ Matt looked at his friendly struggling and mouthed 'Brown' towards him. ❝Mrs Brown I have misplaced my bag.❞

The english teacher shook her head and brought a pencil over to Nate dumping it on his desk.

While Stephanie and Matt were talking Nate hut the pencil across his cheek debating what to write. He stayed silent for the whole lesson unsure what to write, so instead he made a mind map with ideas around it while Matt was scribbling away along with Stephanie.

❝What you writing Matpat, Steph?❞ Nate asked not sure if it was okay for him to give Stephanie a nickname but she seemed fine with it, she sent him a grin and shrugged.
❝The story of a kid whose father was eaten by the cannibals when he was a baby and the struggles he must endure along with a few extra friendships along the way,❞ Matt told Nate looking down slightly as Stephanie put an arm around him and held the male close.

'Are they dating?' Nate couldn't help but ask himself with a slight twinge of a feeling he couldn't describe nor explain.

Stephanie released Matt from her grip and something in her butt made a buzzing noise causing Nate to jump backwards and almost fall out his chair. She grinned at the screen of her phone which had been the thing that scared Nate, a smirk visible on her face.
❝It's just Jason no need to worry or be curious,❞  Stephanie grinned rereading the message before replying.

Finally the bell rang, the classes seemed shorter with Matt and longer without him, the burnet couldn't help but think.

❝You've got chemistry now I doubled check so I wouldn't have to keep asking for your timetable. Unfortunately none of us took chemistry but I have French which isn't too far away so wait for me at lunch,❞  Matt quickly told Nate.

Stephanie and Matt walked Nate to chemistry.
❝We'll see you at lunch Nate, Kayla has arranged something special up on the roof,❞ Stephanie smirked and walked off to her class with Matt.

The chemistry teacher didn't say anything to Nate when he walked in and didn't try to say anything during the lesson. The carnophobic opened up the textbook he was given and lay down in it and slowly fell asleep.

❝He's totally Matt's type,❞ Stephanie clapped her hands slightly talking to Jason and Kayla in her Spanish class.
❝Dorky and funny, he's totally his type but they only met today we don't want to ruin their friendship but we can make them closer,❞ Jason winked.
❝Dat's what the plan on the roof is, I've set up plates with pizza because everyone likes pizza and some chocolate cookies to welcome him ta our school and friendship group,❞ Kayla smirked.

The three talked and fangirled including Jason, Stephanie told them Matt had invited Nate to their Friday night hangout.

❝This is going to be fun.❞

❝You three back there, PAY ATTENTION! Now translate what's on the board.❞

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